Thomas Jefferson

High School | Home of the Spartans

8th Grade Extravaganza

Posted 01/24/2010 by Luke DeGregori

TJ gets aggressive over this year’s 8th grade orientation.

8th grade parents use articulation night to ask questions to TJ counselors. Photo by Rebecca Holt

8th grade parents use articulation night to ask questions to TJ counselors. Photo by Rebecca Holt

On January 21st, TJ opened its doors for this year’s 8th grade orientation. With heightened hopes for recruiting future Spartans, and a wide arrangement of brand new activities and tours, the orientation raised the bar on recruitment and entertainment. “We want to set a new standard for the event,” said AP Government Teacher Jonathon Poole, one of the many coordinators of the orientation.

Some of the additions to this year’s orientation were tours led by current TJ students, parent testimonials on the opportunities the school provides, and even refreshment tables and demonstrations by some of the school’s programs. “We’re trying to make this a community event; not just an open house, but also almost a carnival,” said Poole. “We want it to have a celebratory attitude.”

A chief reason for the vast improvements that were made during this event was the increased participation from teachers, students, and parents. “This year, the administration allowed teachers to be a part of the creative process in terms of setting up, organizing, and running the orientation,” said Poole. “Teachers are more excited, they feel like it’s their own thing.” Students also participated greatly by running booths for TJ’s athletic departments, clubs, and classes, along with guiding 8th graders through the school. In addition, TJ’s freshmen were asked to recruit 8th graders from their home middle school.

The orientation also had the usual Spartan Edition presentation introducing attendees to the numerous departments available at TJ, followed by choice of studies.

Thursday’s extravaganza certainly proved effective, and had a strong impact on 8th grade attendees. “I thought [the orientation] was very informative and helpful,” said 8th grader Gerri Kutz. “I learned a lot about the wide variety of activities that TJ offers.”

TJ’s increased activity during this event was mainly due to the aggressive competition between schools for new freshmen. “We moved it up in the year because so many schools are aggressively recruiting,” said Poole. “We feel like we have just as good a product here at TJ, if not better. We need people to know that.”

And with the heightened enthusiasm and effort put into this year’s orientation, TJ’s product is being displayed more than ever. “We feel like we have an amazing product here at TJ, but it’s not very well known,” said Poole. “We’re the best kept secret in DPS.”