Gifted & Talented

Thomas Jefferson High School strives to ensure that gifted and talented students are engaged, rigorously challenged and supported to reach their full emotional, intellectual, and creative potential. We provide a multi-faceted support system for GT and high ability students. Our goal is to provide greater choice, more challenge, and real world connections in the learning environment.
Differentiated Learning and Opportunities
- Over 13 AP courses, including AP Seminar for English 2 credit and a wide variety of honors and concurrent enrollment classes
- Center for Communication Technology Program– Students can explore robotics, audio and video production, journalism, web design and development, photography, and computer science.
- Career exploration with our career navigator through partner programs, internships and apprenticeships
- Over 40 interest-based clubs and activities– Our interest groups are dynamic and they may or may not have specific meeting times. GT and high ability students are strongly encouraged to pursue passions by participating in these opportunities regularly. Opportunities for GT students to explore areas of interest include:
- Academic Mentorships with Community Resources, Inc. (by nomination)
- Chess Club
- Latin and National Junior Classical League – Amber Wilson, room 219
- Legislative Day – Annual Field trip to the Capitol in February
- Speech and Debate
We provide education and training to staff on learning and affective needs of GT and 2e students, and our mental health team is trained in supporting GT and 2e learners. The GT resource teacher and site team consults with students and families to support individual academic and social emotional needs.
GT Support at TJ
What is Giftedness?
In DPS, “gifted and talented” means those students whose demonstrated abilities, talents and/or potential for accomplishment are so exceptional or developmentally advanced that they require special provisions to meet their educational needs. These students perform, or show the potential of performing, at remarkably high levels in general intellectual ability, specific academic aptitude or specific talent aptitude when compared with others of their age and experience. Gifted and talented children are present in all student groups, regardless of gender, ability, English language proficiency, economic status, ethnic or cultural background. For more information, please visit the DPS GT Website.
GT Resources for Families and Community
- Announcements and opportunities for students shared via Schoology groups and the TJ weekly newsletter
- DPS Gifted and Talented website
- Social Media
- FB: DPS Gifted and Talented