Thomas Jefferson

High School | Home of the Spartans

Category: Athletics

Denver Welcomes Women’s HockeyPosted 02/05/2025 by Daniella Prime-Morales

The first Professional Women’s Hockey League game in Denver was a groundbreaking event met with ample enthusiasm from fans. On Sunday January 12th, the first Professional Women’s Hockey Le... More

Empowerment on the MatPosted 12/16/2024 by Sonja Calhoun

Girls’ Wrestling is one of the newest additions to TJ sports. Thomas Jefferson High School has many sports to offer for students who are interested in athletics. There are so many options to choose ... More

Are the Dodgers Ruining the MLB?Posted 12/12/2024 by Max Feierstein

How the Los Angeles Dodgers shadily construct contracts to ruin the MLB.  This past Major League Baseball (MLB) season had Los Angeles Dodger fans cheering for their success. From winning the 2024 Wo... More

The Rise of Weightlifting in Younger GenerationsPosted 12/11/2024 by Nate Bolinske

Social Media and Fitness Icons Are Reshaping Wellness for Gen Z. Over the past decade, weightlifting has changed from a niche activity into a widespread trend among kids and young adults alike. This w... More

College RivalriesPosted 12/11/2024 by Miles Kahn

A recap of the two largest NCAA games of this year. Sporting events are some of the most energetic and fun aspects of college. This is true not just for current students, but also for alumni, prospect... More

One of The Best in ColoradoPosted 12/11/2024 by Jesus Flores-Sanchez

The overlooked heart of TJ Baseball is a diamond of dedication. In sports narratives, the results are often the most celebrated part of the story. Wins and losses, standout players, and dramatic momen... More

Setting The CourtPosted 12/10/2024 by Lei Brewer

This year’s girls’ volleyball team has made the school community proud with their improvements and amazing success.  As the girls’ volleyball season came to an end; they were congratulated ... More

Spartans’ Scoring DrivePosted 12/05/2024 by Billy Rodriguez Jr

Despite not getting their desired final results, the TJ football team had a great season, uncovering a deep connection and new strengths.  This year,  the Thomas Jefferson football team ended up wit... More

Sprinting to StatePosted 12/03/2024 by Leila Olbricht-Simon

Kayla Braman, Thomas Jefferson’s very own cross country star and the only runner to attend state this year This year, Thomas Jefferson’s very own freshman, Kayla Braman, made it to state ... More

Celebrating Star PlayersPosted 11/22/2024 by Amelia Mendoza-Stancer

Thomas Jefferson’s boys’ soccer team had an excellent season with multiple amazing highlights. Through their hard work and dedication, the Thomas Jefferson boys’ soccer team played an excellent ... More