Thomas Jefferson

High School | Home of the Spartans

An Argument for Success

Posted 09/15/2010 by Leanna Ramirez

TJ’s Urban Debate Team works hard to dominate the competition.

Photo by Mia Nogueira

Here at TJ, the Spartans have a very strong Urban Debate Team, for which the past three years Head Coach Wauneta Vann has been working very hard along with the students – from freshmen to seniors – to make the program very successful.

Vann says that Urban Debate is more than just arguing; it’s a lot of other hard work, as well. “It’s an intelligent and persuasive conversation,” said Vann. “The debaters have more than just a topic to argue about; they have to do tons of research, look up different cases, and read a lot about their topics. But it’s still really fun,” added Vann. Team members also get the opportunity to meet with judges and lawyers, so Vann feels it really expands their knowledge on their topic of the year. She says that debate has a lot to do with presence; “Debaters have to look the part, act the part, and speak the part, because they will be judged on how well they present themselves and their team.”

The debate team has one tournament per month, which are usually held at schools, but nationals and other championships are held in different states. The Debate team has one focus that they argue about all season, and this season they are focusing on the issue of withdrawing the troops from one of six countries. “My favorite part is the resolution each year that allows you to expand your knowledge, such as this years focus,” said  Senior Danite Reda . The team also participates in the Colorado High School Sports Association (CHSSA); they go up against other DPS schools and they have to argue on the topic assigned. The debaters have practice on Mondays and Wednesdays, so they can be prepared to compete with other teams; they spend a lot of time practicing and working hard.

Reda believes that they have a good team this year that’s willing to work hard. Despite their small roster, they are hoping that their numbers can increase this year so they can get better scores, because the more people a team has the more points it can accumulate. They took first place in the 2008-2009 City championship and the team wants to work as hard as they can to make TJ proud and come back with another success.  “I think this year’s team is filled with talented, smart individuals. I believe this year’s team will go very far,” said Reda.

Vann has very high hopes and high standards for this year’s debate team. She says she loves putting in the time, along with the team members, to make this debate year a success.  “I love it because it helps kids have motivation to have a voice, and to see their brains working in such a passionate way is an amazing thing because they’re arguing to win,” added Vann, who said she believes that the Debate Team really allows students to get their opinions out and their voices heard. “If you use your head then you can argue; everyone should come and check it out,” stated Vann.

If you are interested in joining the Urban Debate Team, see Ms. Vann in room three.