Thomas Jefferson

High School | Home of the Spartans

Herb Lynch: Educator, Philosopher, Mentor.

Posted 10/24/2008 by Mike Montgomery

An inside look at one of TJ’s most innovative teachers.    
by Mike Montgomery 
photo by Manny Perez
Herb_SMALL.jpg     English teacher, basketball coach, philosopher, and true Renaissance man, Herb Lynch, operates a fairly new class at TJ called Aggression Reduction Therapy, which he describes as an interesting and unique class that implements and encourages anger management techniques in effective ways to which students can positively relate.
   Some characteristics of the class include the teaching of social ethics (theory and practice), comprehensive academic assistance, as well as a program Lynch refers to as "From Gangstas to Geekstas", aiming to deter students from gang involvement. The class also offers transitional help outside of school, such as getting a job and getting into college. "We really try to engage our students in the community.  The more positive social interaction they get the better," said Lynch.  

   Lynch, however, is not alone in his efforts; there are three other members in what is referred to as the Effective Needs Team. These members include Dominic Lucero, Logan Vargas, and Michelle Lockhart. Together they administer an interesting, fun and effective learning environment. "Having a whole team of teachers really helps to increase the efficiency of what we are trying to accomplish with these kids,"  said Lynch.

    In addition to operating a successful Aggression Reduction Therapy class, Lynch is also an Intro to Literature teacher, and coach of the C team in the boys basketball program. With all these responsibilities at TJ, it would seem Lynch wouldn’t ever have time for a personal life, but he in fact does.

    In addition to coaching basketball, Lynch also enjoys activities such as riding his road bike (on which he recently peddled to the Grand Canyon and back), hiking many of Colorado’s 14’ers, and playing men’s rugby for the Queen City Rams. "Football is what little boys play during men’s Rugby season," Lynch mused.  

   Herb Lynch was born in Wheat Ridge, Colorado in June 1980. He graduated from the University of Northern Colorado in 2002, and currently resides in greater Park Hill. He worked for a youth correctional facility for five years before arriving at TJ in 2007. Lynch also has a very interesting philosophical background, which follows the ideas of Ludvig Wittgenstein, an Austrian philosopher who assumes a very logical, mathematical outlook on the world. "It’s either raining or its not raining, positive or negative, white or black, it interprets quite a fascinating point of view on life," Lynch said.  Lynch intends to pursue a Masters degree in Philosophy at the University of Colorado at Denver in the near future.   

      Considering his vast agenda, both academic and recreational, Lynch is obviously well overdue for a Jefferson Journal teacher spotlight. With everything he contributes TJ, and this reporter alike, can safely say we hope to see Herb Lynch stay right where he is for a long time.