Thomas Jefferson

High School | Home of the Spartans

Pinkberry Tickled Me Pink

Posted 10/18/2010 by Sean Gonzalez

Frozen yogurt is the greatest thing on earth.

Photo by Mia Nogueira

Pinkberry on Colorado Boulevard and right after Mississippi is a frozen yogurt café that serves healthy frozen yogurt in quite affordable cups to deliver a perfect new taste to yogurt.

So I’m driving down Colorado Boulevard, searching for this place named Pinkberry. My photographer Mia called my cell phone about six minutes ago to inform me she was there and waiting. I pull up, and get in the back of the line, wondering what this place is all about. Sure it has frozen yogurt, which I absolutely enjoy, but this place better fill my tastes of good frozen yogurt. I walk up to the window where they have all these different toppings to go on the yogurt. The server asks if I have ever been to Pinkberry before, I answered “No.”

She asks if I want to try any of the flavors, and I answer with a, “No thank you,” and get straight to my order.

I was wanting a mango flavored yogurt in a medium cup. Looking at the toppings selection there are millions to choose from: organic gummy bears, a cookie, fruity pebbles, Cap’n Crunch, all sorts of fruit. Of course, me being Mr. Antioxidant, with so many different selections of super fruit teas in my selection, I decide to get my mango-flavored yogurt covered with raspberries, strawberries, blueberries, and yogurt chips. I pay a small fee of $6.43, find a table outside, and get prepared to dive in to this interesting combination.

I think my life changed when I took a bite. My mouth exploded as my tongue melted; this was so delicious! It was like biting into a ripe sweet mango in the sultry Amazon jungle, it was so satisfying. The fruit was so soft and ripe, so pugnaciously juicy, it was unbelievable how perfectly created this cup was. This mix of soft creamy mango yogurt with the pungent taste of a sour strawberry, or a tarty raspberry, or a couple perfectly sweet blueberries, with the crunchy taste yogurt chips which, to me had a small hint of vanilla flavoring, made me want to sing and dance. I wanted to get another cup with a different flavored yogurt and different toppings. I eventually want to try as many combinations as possible, even all of them, if it is possible.

About halfway through my cup of epic deliciousness, I heard some beats playing above me as I sat outside. I realized the atmosphere of the place fits the yogurt. It is upbeat and catchy, enhancing my yogurt senses to an overall extravagantly pleased mood. It would be quite different if I was at this new, vibrant yogurt spot with sad depressing songs, I would immediately lose my appetite as I sat there and pondered my sadness, not being able to finish my yogurt.  The upbeat songs kept me happy, and I almost felt like I was eating to a certain beat.

Getting so lost in my yogurt, I almost forgot about Mia. She thoroughly enjoyed her adventure to Pinkberry, as well.  Funny thing was, we actually had this talk about the atmosphere and vibe we both felt at Pinkberry. Walking in through the polished glass doors, I noticed the relatively calm nature of the light blue walls, which did offset the hyperactive line, as people eagerly waited to explain their conspicuous orders to the server. I did not feel so overwhelmed by the line, but instead ready to wait and get my helping of deliciousness.

Thomas Jefferson High School, I fully recommend you make the drive down Colorado Boulevard, into the plaza after Mississippi, to where Pinkberry lies. The frozen yogurt is unbelievably satisfying. Five stars out of five. I don’t know how long the line gets, but try to get there mid-afternoon, and watch the sun trickle down the sky with some friends, laughing, talking, and most importantly, enjoying the deliciousness of frozen yogurt from Pinkberry.