Thomas Jefferson

High School | Home of the Spartans

Excelling, Athletic, Employed

Posted 03/03/2011 by Abby Montgomery

Three Spartan students take on jobs, sports, and difficult classes, and still manage to succeed.

Photos by Jenny Holman

Thomas Jefferson High School is home to numerous extremely hardworking students, many of whom not only excel at their school work, but also are involved in sports, clubs, and part-time jobs. Because these students have quite a bit on their plates, prioritizing is absolutely essential.

One student who manages to do so exceptionally well is Sophomore Softball Player Allie Cornell. Whether it’s going to softball practice, doing some homework, or picking up a shift at her job at Piccolo’s, Allie has quite the busy schedule. “It’s definitely a challenge, but nice at the same time. I always seem to have something to do, so I’m never really bored!” said Allie.

Allie is one of the few sophomores with a part-time job; however, she still manages to maintain a high GPA. She is taking Honors Chemistry, American Literature Honors, Advanced Algebra 2, and Honors Choir. “Allie is a great student, and her presence is always enjoyed in class. I find it very admirable that she has a job too,” said Spanish Teacher Rose Young. With more than half of her high school career still to go, Allie has gotten off to a great start.

Junior Dani Ruzycki is another prime example of a student who is juggling a job and difficult AP classes. Dani is currently enrolled in Jon Poole’s infamous AP Government class, as well as AP Language with Jeffrey Almond. “The AP classes I’m taking definitely challenge me. They’re the kind of classes that if you don’t try in, you won’t pass,” said Ruzycki. Dani also has a part-time job at the local Baskin Robbins. “I plan on working as much as I can at Baskin Robbins, and doing my homework in my spare time,” said Ruzycki with a grin. Dani has worked at Baskin Robbins since last May, and has been taking honors classes all throughout her high school career.

Another triple threat super student is Senior Sean Gonzalez. Sean plays on the varsity soccer team, is taking four AP classes, and has the all-important job of a sign waver. This was Sean’s first year playing soccer competitively, yet he was still able to make his way onto the varsity squad. “Sean showed a lot of talent for his first year playing soccer again. He is an extremely hard worker, and that’s a very admirable trait you don’t see in too many kids,” said Poole. Unlike some seniors, Sean did not sign up for a very relaxing schedule. He is taking four advanced placement courses: AP Calculus, AP Literature, AP U.S. History, and AP World History. That’s quite the workload for a student also playing a sport, as well as holding down a job as one of those people seen standing on the corner waving around a sign. Sean works about two days per week, and when he does work, he waves that sign promoting home companies, with nothing else but pride. “I get shipped around to all different locations. I’ve waved signs in Franktown, Parker, Littleton, Arapahoe… all over,” said Sean.

Taking on difficult classes, participating in sports, as well as having jobs might put a strain on many high school students; however, that’s what sets these three super students apart from the average teenager. Allie, Dani, and Sean are all examples of students with drive and a good work ethic. They’re setting the bar quite high for their fellow classmates. Although they’ve got quite the workload, nothing will stop these students from succeeding.