Thomas Jefferson

High School | Home of the Spartans

Note for Note

Posted 02/16/2011 by Ed Gloor

Guitar Club, led by Teacher Jenn Sonheim looks to shred the strings in the inaugural year of the club.

Artwork by Mia Nogueira

Guitar Club, a brand new club to Thomas Jefferson, looks to grow as they learn new techniques on the strings.

Jason Pickens, a Sophomore at Thomas Jefferson High School, is the founder of Guitar Club. “I have been playing guitar for about a year,” said Pickens. The reason that Pickens says he started the club was because he wanted a place to learn to play, with other guitar players.

Upon entering room 14, one will be enveloped by the sounds of plucking strings, clambering students who are eager to learn, and a bit of good natured disorganization. Underneath all of this is a simple love for guitar, and a welcoming atmosphere. Guitar Club holds its meetings on Mondays and Thursdays.  “On Mondays we do method stuff, like how to play, how to read music, play stuff out of the book. Then on Thursdays we do tabliture, so we do Metallica, Guns N Roses, Queens Reich, everything,” said Sonheim. Despite the high expectations, all levels of guitar players are welcome, to join Guitar Club.

“My favorite part [of Guitar Club] is learning how to play. People should join so that they can learn to play, too. For songs they want to learn to play, they can learn them,” said Jason Pickens. “I’m thinking that we should play a concert someday as a giant group.”

Guitar Club helps young guitar players grow as musicians by teaching them the fundamental skills needed to play the guitar. “I have learned the hand movements, ‘E.lvis’s G.uitar B.roke D.own F.riday,’ which are the finger notes for the strings. Then there is FACE, which is the spacings when reading music, how to tune the guitar, and how to read music and tabs,” said Pickens, “We have been teaching the songs that they want to know.”

Sonheim also sees a concert in guitar club’s future. “It would be cool to say, ‘Hey we are Guitar Club and we proudly present Metallica, but that isn’t really high school material. We have talked about [a show], but we don’t think we are ready yet,” said Sonheim.

“If people want to come, then they should just come and check it out,” said Pickens. Anyone can join the club, all one needs is a guitar and the passion for playing the instrument.

Guitar Club is still small, averaging about six to eight members per meeting, which means a lot of one-on-one attention from club sponsor Jenn Sonheim. Be sure to check out this club and stop in room 14 every Monday and Thursday.

Watch out as Guitar Club grows in skill and in size; they will be taking the school by storm.