Thomas Jefferson

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Posted 02/22/2011 by Mateo Rocha

How good virtues and hard work have made TJ Senior Megan Gonzales a diamond in the rough.

Photo by Mateo Rocha

As a college bound senior, Megan Gonzales has proven to be an optimist and a go-getter, as she has stepped forward with leadership and other outstanding traits in the TJ community and environment. Megan has impacted the lives of many through her kindness and determination to achieve.

Being a positive and selfless individual, it is no surprise that Megan is president of the Be The Change campaign at TJ. Be The Change began in early 2010 and ever since then has focused on spreading a positive message throughout TJ. It has inspired the student body to engage in actions of civic virtue and selflessness for a better TJ community.

“The objective is to continue to have change in the school, and a student led club helps promote the idea of change,” said Samanda Davis, club sponsor for Be The Change.

As president of the committee, Megan is the cornerstone for what Be The Change sets out to do. “She’s been an incredible help; she’s always attentive and instrumental when carrying out a task, such as the yarn challenge we had not too long ago. If it wasn’t for her, it probably wouldn’t have been as successful,” said Davis. The “yarn challenge” consisted of having students compliment each other and tie a piece of red string to the person they are complimenting.

“I think to be a part of the Be The Change committee you have to be a role model. You have to talk the talk and walk the walk,” said Davis. “Megan’s great at this; she’s generous, genuine, and I believe that that is a great character trait that will help her achieve a life full of happiness.”

Having spent her entire high school career at TJ, Megan has become an active participant in programs such as Unified Sports. “I just love helping people out and I’m glad TJ has a program like this that I can be a part of,” said Megan.

Apart from receiving an education at TJ, Megan is currently enrolled in pre-college courses in which she receives college credit for her future studies. “The college credit will look really good on my resumé. If I was applying for a job, people would be more likely to hire me at a school or something of the kind,” stated Megan.

Megan is looking into a career in which she can be involved with young kids and their education. Megan’s mindset for her career choice really lines up with her personal traits of selflessness and optimism. “I’ve always liked little kids, and when I worked in the pre-school with CEC it really motivated me to teach them in the future,” said Megan.

The Career Education Center (CEC Middle College of Denver) is an institution that provides a higher level of career-centered learning for high school students in which they can receive hands-on training in 20 different career courses. For the past one and a half years CEC has provided Megan with instruction in the field of primary education.

“Usually CEC only offers one year’s worth of education, but Megan’s teacher enjoyed her presence so much during her junior year that she invited Megan to come back for her senior year,” said TJ teacher Lorreta Gonzales. “This is really beneficial towards her future, and I am very proud to see Megan excelling.”

Megan’s relationship with Gonzales shows how support from a teacher can lead to achieving merits for a student in his or her education. “Ms. Gonzales has always been helpful in my studies and education,” said Megan. “Over the past four years, she has guided me and watched me grow from a small freshman to an academic senior. I am so thankful of her involvement in her students’ lives.”

Gonzales has always been supportive of Megan and recognizes the capabilities that Megan has, to achieve success in her life.  “She’s always punctual and ready to learn. Her own personal standard is very high, so you know that any work she turns in, she has worked her hardest on. She won’t settle for mediocrity,” said Gonzales.

Megan fulfills her requirements in all her classes and goes above and beyond what is expected from her teachers. “I really appreciate her work ethic and willingness to help others. That really helps me because I teach a lot of students, and having Megan help out those who are struggling is very constructive,” said Gonzales. “She’s very kind, courteous, not a gossiper; I really only have good things to say about her,” said Gonzales with a wide smile on her face.

The growth that took place in Megan’s character from her first years at TJ to the present is a very evident one. “She was timid and very overwhelmed with the TJ environment, but once she became comfortable with her environment, I really saw her blossom and grow into a beautiful young lady,” said Gonzales. Megan was so successful that she received the opportunity to travel to Europe as a student ambassador with People To People. A feat like this is as astonishing as it is incredible for Megan.

In regards to Megan’s kindness, Senior Caitlin Barley has been Megan’s best friend ever since they met through YoungLife. “She’s a really great friend. She helps me out whenever I need assistance, especially in statistics. Megan is nice and very good about focusing on her academics,” said Barley. “We can really connect because Megan is the kind of outgoing person who wants to interact. I like her activeness.”

In her spare time, one can usually find Megan hanging out with her friends or kicking back at a YoungLife gathering. “I’ve liked YoungLife; it’s taught me some really cool ideas and it’s always a blast. Just getting together, playing games, and hanging out is a lot of fun,” said Megan.
One can see how family virtues and other relationships shine through Megan’s personality. “I’m a big family person; I love spending quality time with my grandparents and my mother. It’s a pretty essential part of my life and they always give me support in what I am doing,” said Megan.

Megan’s outgoing character is very recognizable from not only her teachers’ points of view, but from her friends’ perspectives as well. “I can see her succeeding and reaching her goals; she’s determined to accomplish everything in her life,” said Barley. “Megan’s shining personality has impacted many people in her life and I believe she will continue to do so in her future.”