Thomas Jefferson

High School | Home of the Spartans

Ventures In The Hills

Posted 03/23/2011 by Mateo Rocha

TJ’s own outdoor club, Vertical Ventures, has begun to make an impact on the community and the slopes.

Photo by Devin Fowler

On February 26th a group of skiers and snowboarders led by Social Studies Teacher Kimberly Holtmann spent the day enjoying the snow in yet another “Vertical Venture.” Students and other participants met at 7:00 a.m. in the TJ parking lot to depart for the trip to Loveland Ski Area.

All along the way, Holtmann has helped organize events and develop Vertical Ventures as a strong club. “If there wasn’t a sponsor for the club things could get very unorganized, so I’m glad to help out,” said Holtmann. “Along with bringing snacks for the students, I help make everything smooth, quick, easy, fun, and safe.” Holtmann takes on the position as a coordinator of when events/trips will take place. She communicates with organizations and places, such as Loveland Ski Area, to receive discounts and deals for the Vertical Venture crew.

Being the club sponsor, Holtmann has provided support for the fellow participants, and also takes part in the events, herself. “I think it’s awesome that she’s in the club,” said Junior Logan Kimbrel. “I don’t know many teachers that are into snowboarding like Ms. Holtmann is, and having her lead us makes it that much more enjoyable,” said Logan.

The day consisted of gray skies, low temperatures, and deep powder; in other words, the perfect conditions for a day on the slopes. “I had a lot of fun; I don’t think it could have gotten any better,” said Senior Devin Fowler. “The people that went had a lot of energy and that’s what made the trip that much better,” said Devin.

The first successful trip that VV made took place on December 4th, when TJ Spartans had the joy of making memories on the slopes. For more information on the first excursion, click here.

This being the second trip on which Vertical Ventures has embarked, the club is now beginning to take root at TJ. “I feel like VV (Vertical Venture) is now more capable to do anything unlike before. We’ve had two great and successful trips and I know there will be more to expect out of the club,” said Kimbrel, who has been an avid supporter of VV ever since its humble beginnings in October.

Vertical Ventures welcomes anyone who seeks an outdoor adventure. “I like how the club is starting to branch out to a larger community besides TJ; we have families getting involved with the events along with the students,” said proud sponsor Holtmann. The involvement of many members has helped VV grow from a simple idea to a full-fledged active outdoors club.

“The day up at Loveland was crazy. Angelo Perez (TJ Junior) ended up breaking his board. I guess he was riding too hard, and had ski patrol give him a ride on a snow mobile,” said Kimbrel. “We also had Devin’s (Fowler) car break down, but luckily we got the problem fixed quick. Overall all these things made the trip eventful, adding to the fun day in the powder,” said Kimbrel, who endured the entire day with a cast on his arm, as he broke his arm two weeks ago at the Ruby Hill Rail Yard.

VV’s future looks bright as the participants plan for a third trip. “I can really see the club getting bigger and better as more trips and events take place,” said Kimbrel. VV welcomes anyone and everyone to join its crusade and their outdoor adventures to come. The next “vertical” trip to Loveland is planned to take place on April the 16th. Mrs. Holtmann can provide more information on the club in room 229.