Thomas Jefferson

High School | Home of the Spartans

A Marvelous Midsummer Night's Dream

Posted 11/26/2011 by Becca Hansen

The annual fall play returns to the TJ stage, dazzling audiences for four nights.

Photo by Becca Hansen

The TJ Drama department worked diligently to produce the tradition that is the fall play showcasing the newly renovated auditorium, the lighting and sound systems, and featuring a talented cast of upper and underclassmen. This year’s stunning success was a comical tale about young lovers whose lives are manipulated by mischievous fairies, a Midsummer Night’s Dream.

On November 16th through 19th the TJ stage was transformed into a world of Shakespearean design, reconstructed by 21st century language and stagecraft. This summer TJ Theater Director and Stage Manager Michael Palmieri took several hours a day to sit down with the original text of a Midsummer Night’s Dream to revise the 400 year old work with the hope of converting it into a modern performance that would appeal to a wider audience. “I have poured my heart and soul into this show since May, working to rewrite the play over the summer. My dreams and expectations were high for the performance,” said Palmieri. “That being said, I had one of the most fantastic crews I have ever had the pleasure of working with. The show exceeded my expectations and the kids did absolutely amazing.”

The production allowed students in the TJ drama department their first opportunity to utilize and experiment with the new equipment installed in the auditorium over the summer. The TJ auditorium received an updated sound system, lighting system, and a new electronically controlled curtain for its stage. ” The new equipment was amazing to use for the production. I think the play went phenomenal. We were able to do things in this show we were never able to do before,” said Lighting Technician Connor Hickman.

The cast for this year’s play highlighted new incoming talent to the TJ Drama Department as well as seasoned actors familiar with the TJ stage. “The play was a really good experience for the freshmen that came into theater this year. They got to see how TJ does drama and get a feel for performing. It was also good for the veteran actors. Speaking personally, it was good for me because I used the skills I had learned from Palmieri and I got to pass it on to new people,” Senior Whitney Hackbarth.

Comments of praise and admiration for the play were received throughout the TJ community that had the opportunity to see the performance.  “I think Shakespeare in any form is always a good experience for the cast members and audience. I always enjoy seeing different adaptations of Shakespeare and believe that it allows his works to be enjoyed today by all generations. I thought the TJ drama department did a great job on the show with a neat stage, ornate costumes, and good acting,” said TJ Lit Teacher Jacquelyn Raila.