Thomas Jefferson

High School | Home of the Spartans

Sculpting a Dream

Posted 09/28/2012 by Geneva Gaines

New teacher Primus Russell teaches students the true value of art.

Primus Russell shares his passion for clay with pottery students. Photo By Rachel Uyemura

Art is defined as the expression or application of creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as a painting or sculpture, and for veteran art teacher Primus Russell, ceramics is an art form that involves all of these characteristics.

Some may view sculpting and working with clay as a dying art form, but Russell, TJ’s new ceramics teacher,  begs to differ. Russell came to TJ after working at West High School. He made his mark there by working on various projects that helped students express themselves through artwork. He says he has always loved art, even at a young age. But Russell says his love for art grew in high school and continued to blossom during his college years at CSU, which offers Art Education for anyone wanting to teach at the elementary or secondary school level. They offer courses in drawing, graphic design, pottery, and sculpting.

During his freshman year, Russell attended a presentation by the Peace Corps. He says he then decided that being a part of the organization would be something he’d really enjoy. Upon graduation, Russell became involved in the Peace Corps and then went on to spend time in Liberia, West Africa. The Peace Corps is a worldwide organization of volunteers that takes on very large projects to benefit others in need. Russell served in the Peace Corps from 1978-1984, and aspired to collect art. He recalls his time there as, “The toughest job you’ll ever love.”

Once Russell was out of the Peace Corps he started teaching art – his passion – helping kids realize how amazing creating something can be. His journey has now brought him to TJ, and students agree that it is a pleasure to have him here to help guide students through their creation of art. Sophomore Sean Draper, a student in one of Russell’s Ceramics classes, said, “Mr. Russell’s class is very fun! He’s such a great teacher!”

Outside of school, Russell says he continues to infuse his life with art. He talks about one of his favorite artists, Peter Voulkos, praising him as a role model that inspires him to keep going. “He is a pioneer of clay sculptures,” Russell says. Besides studying and admiring others’ art, Russell also has a business of his own. Through his business, Primus Art, Russell sells impressive ceramic pieces, paintings, and photographs. He states the truth, that one can make another persons dreams come true by taking ones passion and turning it into a career, just as he did.

Russell had many amazing accomplishments at West High School and now brings his expertise and artistic abilities to the Spartan family. He changes lives through his teaching career by showing students the same beauty and creativity that he sees in art.