Thomas Jefferson

High School | Home of the Spartans

Final Countdown

Posted 05/18/2016 by Sean McNearney

Spartan Annie McAninch diligently studies for her finals. photo by Sean McNearney

With the year almost at an end, it’s time for one last test.

It’s that time of year again. The 2015-2016 school year is coming to a close, which means that finals are just around the corner. Finals can create an enormous amount of stress for some, and are significant parts of many classes’ grades.  For some students, finals could make or break their grade; thus, it is paramount to do well, but not everyone knows how to do so.  There are many things that students can to do ace their finals so that they can head into summer without the worries of school weighing them down.

Studying is the most effective way for students to prepare for exams. For someone who does not know what to do for a class, students are advised to get help from their teachers if they need to ace their test. It is best to ask for help now, as teachers will be overloaded close to the deadline, and will not be able to offer specific students as much help as they want. Teachers will be available to help students who need it, but students should also spend time studying on their own to ensure a higher grade. Try flash cards, class notes, and the textbook to help further home studying. Additionally, it is not a good idea to cram the night before finals, as students will most likely forget everything they studied, and will be too tired to effectively take the test.

On the night before finals, it is recommended for students to get a good night’s sleep. After finishing some light studying, students should go to bed early to ensure they are well rested for the next day’s tests. On the morning of finals, students should also eat a good breakfast. A healthy, protein-rich meal is a perfect way to start a day full of difficult tests and maintain focus. Students should also be sure to give themselves enough time to get to school, as showing up late will cut into test times. During the test, students should have a water bottle to stay hydrated, and a watch to keep track of time.

Students should be sure to take all their classes seriously. It is a good idea to look over old homework assignments and worksheets to prepare. Study tips like these and other tips for dealing with stress can be provided by peers, especially seniors. This year’s seniors will soon be leaving, and will not be taking finals; however, they have a lot of experience with them, and can provide some good advice. “I don’t let the stress get to me,” said senior Jordan Graham. “I just focus on what I’m doing and make sure to get it done.” These wise words should be taken to heart, because the calmer a person is, the better they will perform. “Be sure to get lots of sleep and eat well,” said senior Brandon Griffith.

Though finals are a stressful endeavor for some, they are an integral part of students’ grades. Take finals seriously, and start preparing now to ensure a passing grade. Though they may be hard, they also signify the end of another successful school year and the beginning of a much deserved summer vacation.