Thomas Jefferson

High School | Home of the Spartans

Staff Prepares For Annual Back To School Night

Posted 08/26/2009 by Lauren Abrams

Students and parents return to TJ for a preview of the 2009-2010 school year.


TJ Back to School Night is Thursday, August 27, from 5:00 to 7:00pm. photo by Rebecca Holt

On August 27th at 5:00 pm, parents of new and returning students will have the opportunity to attend the Back To School Night event, hosted by Thomas Jefferson High School and Principal Sandra Just.

As parents walk through the doors of Thomas Jefferson, they will be welcomed by Just, the office staff, and all of the counselors. They will be given a copy of their child’s schedule, which later serves as somewhat of a map around the school. All parents are encouraged to attend in order to obtain a basic understanding of the plans for the 2009-2010 school year.  At the end of the mini-schedule there will be cookies and other snacks served.

At the beginning of every school year, Thomas Jefferson holds this assembly in hopes of educating parents of the expectations, standards, and requirements expected of their children for the school year ahead. “We hope that after attending Back To School Night parents will have a better understanding of what is expected of their kids, and that they will have a general idea of the types of classes they’re enrolled in,” said Assistant Principal Scott Lessard, who places a great deal of importance on this first meeting of parents and teachers.

The night starts out with a 15-minute presentation from Just, and is followed by parents being led through their children’s classes, with a brief amount of time given for them to get acquainted with the students’ current teachers.

“Parents are given an exact replica of their child’s schedule, and go through the classes with a bell schedule that indicates when it’s time to move on to the next classroom,” said Lessard.

While with the teachers, parents are able to ask general questions regarding course expectations, curriculum plans, and can present any other concerns they may have. If they wish to have more individual conference time with a specific teacher, parents can set up an appointment with that teacher.

All students and parents are welcome to attend. For seniors, the senior meeting will also be held on Thursday the 28th at 7:15pm, where they will receive information on college applications and graduation requirements.
