Thomas Jefferson

High School | Home of the Spartans

Indie Rock Album Plays Like a Poem

Posted 10/14/2009 by Anna Romero

Commit this album to memory; you won’t want to forget it.

committomem_290“I am wrecked, I am overblown,” declares the first song on Motion City Soundtrack’s album Commit This To Memory, establishing the theme of the album: being fed up with feeling unworthy. It’s a topic anyone can relate to, but even if it weren’t, the down-to-earth message and sound of the songs could make a person empathetic about anything.

The band itself has a lovely sound; the mix of Justin Pierre’s standout indie-rock voice with catchy instrumentals (created by two guitars, a synthesizer, a keyboard, a bass guitar, a piano and drums) is to die for. Adding to the flowing sound, the transitions between songs are so seamless, I never noticed the song change. That’s not to say there isn’t variety; just that the change between songs is painless and feels natural.

“I’m trying to find out if my words have any meaning,” the singer muses in Together We’ll Ring in the New Year. All I can say is: they do. Every lyric is intelligent and quotable, and each song tells a story.

Usually, there is a downside to every disc, but with this album I simply cannot find one. Every aspect is picture-perfect and makes for Motion City Soundtrack’s best album yet. Never before have I been able to so deeply connect with an album than this one, and it’s all due to the fantastic execution of a wholly relatable message.

So, whether you’re looking for something to sing along with at the top of your lungs-to get rid of all of that teenage angst-or for catchy alternative rock to jam out to, Commit This to Memory is the album for you. This reporter cannot recommend it enough.

Track List:
1. Attractive Today
2. Everything Is Alright
3. When You’re Around
4. Resolution
5. Feel Like Rain
6. Make Out Kids
7. Time Turned Fragile
8. L.G. Fuad
9. Better Open the Door
10. Together We’ll Ring in the New Year
11. Hangman
12. Hold Me Down

• Everything is Alright
• When You’re Around
• Make Out Kids
• L.G. Fuad
• Better Open the Door
• Hold Me Down

Rating: ★★★★★