Thomas Jefferson

High School | Home of the Spartans

Shooting Stars to Classroom Stars

Posted 05/03/2024 by Sophia Nicholson

Griffin gives opportunities and tools to help her students thrive in the physics department. photo by Farah Djama

Jill Griffin has had an inspirational journey while taking the steps to help students learn and be challenged.

Nestled within the bustling hallways of Thomas Jefferson High School, Jill Griffin stands as a beacon of passion and dedication in the realm of physics education. Griffin is truly committed to growth, education, and a career spanning various scientific disciplines. She leads with a heart dedicated to fostering inclusive learning environments. Griffin’s journey includes adventures from astrophysical research to teaching within the warm community of TJ. While this is only her second year at TJ, she has made a huge impact on her students and fellow teachers. 

Griffin explains her journey before joining the TJ community She mentioned, “I had been doing research into atmospheric reactions with shooting stars, which I loved, but I left it to support my daughter on the autism spectrum.” Griffin shared this while reflecting on the pivotal moment while studying chemistry at Harvard. Years of nurturing her daughter’s growth and volunteering in school settings instilled in her a profound belief in the importance of accessible education for all. “My favorite job was working as a paraprofessional with all kinds of students and helping find ways to reach each one,” she added, highlighting her commitment to personalized learning experiences.

Griffin explains her passion for the fields of physics, “I think intersections of fields are where it gets interesting.” Drawing parallels between physics and other disciplines like chemistry and biology, she emphasizes the fundamental nature of physics in unraveling the mysteries of the universe. “Physics seeks to explain everything–from the inner workings of atoms to the spacetime curvature of the universe,” she elaborated, highlighting the exhilarating variety of the subject. For Griffin, the allure of physics lies in the inherent ability to blend theoretical concepts with hands-on experimentation, a sentiment echoed in her classroom activities.

With a very diverse academic background spanning multiple institutions, Griffin’s journey through higher education reflects an insatiable longing for knowledge. “My high school didn’t offer calculus, so I took it at my local university, Western Michigan,” she recounted, tracing the roots of her academic curiosity back to high school. From Brigham Young University to researching biological reactions with supercomputers at Oxford and a Master’s degree from Harvard, her academic journey continued when she obtained a teaching certificate through Metro State University Denver.

For Griffin, TJ represents more than just a school; it embodies a vibrant tapestry of perspectives and mutual respect. “I’ve volunteered in lots of schools – I’m excited to be at TJ!” she exclaimed. Rooted in her desire to engage with diverse viewpoints and foster a culture of care, TJ holds a special place in Griffin’s heart.

Griffin is committed to growth. Griffin explains her greatest strength as a teacher, it was simple yet profound. “I’m patient and I keep learning,” she stated. Grounded in the belief that education is a lifelong journey, she exemplifies humility and dedication in her approach to teaching. She celebrates community and connection amidst the bustling halls of TJ and finds solace in the collective efforts of the community. “There are so many people that work hard to make TJ a great place for all of us,” she remarked, highlighting the collaborative spirit that defines the TJ experience.

As Griffin reflected on the best thing about being a teacher, her gratitude shone through. “All of you! I am grateful for the inspiring teachers I work with and the students I see every day,” she shared warmly. For her, the heart of teaching lies in the transformative power of human connection and the shared journey of learning and growth. She is dedicated to helping her students succeed, and for them to have a chance to be challenged as well as to learn.

In the effective environment of TJ, Griffin stands as a testament to the profound impact of passionate educators and the boundless potential of curiosity-driven exploration. With physics as her compass and community as her guiding light, she continues to inspire generations of students to reach for the stars – both figuratively and literally.