Thomas Jefferson

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How to Survive Senior Year

Posted 05/13/2024 by Alexa Tsvetkov

A heart of all the sticky notes with advice from the Seniors. photo by Ravi Apte

It is easy to feel overwhelmed entering your senior year, but don’t fear, the 2024 senior newspaper staff is here to guide you into having the most fulfilling and successful year possible. 

As the 2024 school year comes to a close, it’s natural to reflect on the year and how, yet again, it has gone so quickly. In the final countdown to graduation, I thought that it would be valuable to write about the most paramount lessons and experiences that other seniors and I can pass down to all those who will soon be starting their senior year. As generic as it sounds, this time is so bittersweet. For me, at least, I feel ready to move on and start something new. However, despite my excitement, I can’t help but feel sad that this period in my life is about to be reduced to a memory. Friends and acquaintances that I have become fond of will move on and begin their own routes in life. So, in commemoration of the memories and lessons that the 2024 TJ news staff seniors have learned, we have provided tips, advice, and tricks to help you not only survive, but hopefully thrive in your final year at TJ.  

Merry Shukert: “Anything that you think is a big deal is really not that deep. You shouldn’t stress over small things. Attend every event you can and don’t say you are too cool for them. Those events are what make high school fun and memorable. You’re going to forget about all the school work but you’ll never forget the experiences.”

Jesse Smith: “Go to class. Do not slack. Work hard at the beginning so you can slack at the end.” 

Akaash Raghunath: “Eat more apricots.”

Kayla Vasquez: “Quality over quantity! The drama is not worth it. Surround yourself with people who make you better. Make all the memories possible. This is what you’ll remember about high school. It sounds cliche, but live in the moment. But also take lots of cute pictures and videos for keepsakes.” 

Campbell Mahoney: “Don’t be afraid to reconnect with old friends. Live freely and balance your academics with your social life. You’re not going to remember that one essay, so let loose and spend time with people you love.” 

Matthew Brightwell: “I have a lot to say about senior year, but my biggest piece of advice is to make memories with your friends. Find joy and awe in every day, no matter how mundane. Enjoy living—it makes the harder days a little easier to power through, and you’ll miss it when it’s time to graduate.” 

Ravi Apte: “College might seem far away, but it’s not. Take the time to think about your future, but you also have to take advantage of the present moment.”

Brady Vinlove: “Focus on yourself and do what you truly want to do.”

Farah Djama: “Make sure to take care of yourself. Stay organized. Everything will be okay!”

While my peers covered almost everything that I have to give to you, I’d like to add on a little. This is a very unique time in your life. At 17, you aren’t a full adult yet, but you are given responsibilities and the task of “figuring out what you want to do with the rest of your life.” This odd time of still depending on your parents or guardians. Feeling like an adult may seem awkward and weird, but from my experience, it is actually a huge advantage and a blessing. You have the perks of being with family while learning to become independent. For those of you who will move out, try and soak up the time you have with loved ones. This is the last year of your life that you get to own the title of a child, so embrace it. Go back to the little things that you find bring you happiness. Don’t be afraid to embarrass yourself and take risks since you will never see half of these people again after May of 2025. But the greatest lesson I have had to learn is that everything will be okay. At times, senior year can feel so formidable and unbearable. But you will get through it. All of this is temporary, the good and the bad. So go right through it. You will come out the other end smarter, kinder, more understanding, and more prepared for your desired future. You got this. Smell the flowers, notice the seasons, and just breathe. You’ll be just fine. 


Your 2024 Senior Newspaper Staff