Thomas Jefferson

High School | Home of the Spartans

From the Corps to the Counseling Office

Posted 10/04/2024 by Magnolia McLain

Gleason sets students up for success, leading them through programs like ICAP to ensure each student is prepared for their future. photo by Emanuel Morales-Gomez

A closer look into the journey and motivations of one of TJ’s amazing counselors.

Each student at Thomas Jefferson High School has a counselor who supports them with academic success and planning, college and career planning, their social/emotional learning, and their mental health. One of these counselors is Jillian Gleason, who provides support for students with last names that begin with A through D. Her appreciation for her past school counselors and her opportunities to support those around her inspire her to uplift TJ’s community and culture. 

Gleason was born in Salida, Colorado and raised in Fort Collins, Colorado, where she attended kindergarten through twelfth grade. At the University of Wyoming she completed her undergraduate degree in International Studies. After receiving her undergraduate degree, Gleason served a 27 month term as a Peace Corps volunteer before returning to school at Colorado State University to complete her masters in school counseling. Her first counseling position after her masters program was at Abraham Lincoln High School where she spent four years. She has been at Thomas Jefferson High School since then and the 2024-2025 school year marks her seventh year as a counselor at TJ. 

The Peace Corps is a U.S. based agency which extends to 60 countries around the world. Peace Corps volunteers work with a local counterpart in their assigned country to implement programming and positive changes. These programs include education and development opportunities or skills training which allow the communities to sustain themselves even after the volunteer departs. Gleason served as a Peace Corps volunteer in the French speaking country of Togo, located in West Africa. After completing a three month training among other volunteers and while staying with a host family, she spent two years at her site working alongside a Togolese individual to implement programming in his community. The programs Gleason focused on were girls’ education and empowerment, working towards gender equity and empowering girls to stay in school. Working with the Peace Corps made Gleason value spending her time “investing in youth.”

As a counselor at TJ, Gleason focuses on the current and future emotional and academic well being of her students. This includes staying on top of class work, looking into college and career options, and minimizing stress. On top of these priorities, each counselor has at least one leading role. Gleason is in charge of coordinating DPS Balarat and student assistants. Balarat is an opportunity for fifth graders in DPS to spend one night in the mountains near Jamestown, Colorado and spend time outdoors with activities like hiking, orienteering, archery, a high ropes course, exploring a mine, learning about homesteaders, and a big swing. Gleason oversees and informs about the application process for TJ’s sophomores, juniors, and seniors who hope to be Balarat counselors. 

Although Gleason was unsure whether she wanted to continue her pursuit of international development before returning to graduate school, she was inspired to become a counselor because she had a “really awesome school counselor” when she was in school. “I had a really cool experience as a high school student with school counselors that made me feel empowered and proud of myself.” Because of this, Gleason hopes to make a big difference in the lives of the students at TJ. She commented, “that’s what I’m hoping to do by being a school counselor.” Gleason has greatly enjoyed her time spent at TJ and she attributes this to her supportive administrative team and her wonderful colleagues. When it comes to the students at TJ, Gleason enjoys making connections with them and admires that, “there’s so much great diversity here.”

In her personal life, Gleason tries to spend as much time outdoors as possible, as nature is a great way for her to recharge and reset. Most of the time this looks like hiking and other simple outdoor activities. She also really enjoys spending time with her family and eating good food while trying new restaurants. 

Gleason brings a lot to the counseling team at TJ. Her positive attitude and affinity for providing students opportunities to get prepared for their lives after high school offers many benefits to the TJ community and culture. TJ is lucky to have a counselor that is so motivated by her own experiences to better the school and each and every one of its students.