Thomas Jefferson

High School | Home of the Spartans

A Cool Start to the Year

Posted 09/12/2024 by Riley Rimkus

TJ Spartans supporting their peers at the Homecoming Football game. photo courtesy of the Yearbook staff

Along with school-wide updates, here is a taste of what is to come in the 2024-2025 school year.

Welcome back, Spartans! The 2024-2025 school year is officially underway, and the TJ community has much to look forward to and celebrate.

Thomas Jefferson is currently a rated “green” school in the Colorado Department of Education School Performance Framework (SPF), which is a tremendous accomplishment. Two years prior, the State of Colorado put a threshold on PSAT and SAT scores. Of all students, 95% were required to either take or excuse this standardized test. TJ exceeded these expectations. Principal Mike Christoff reflected on test score growth, stating “We saw a lot of gain around Language Arts, Math, and great work from our second language learners.” As if this is not enough for the TJ community to be proud of, we are ranked in the top three comprehensive DPS high schools. This is a reflection of the hard work from students, teachers, and administration.

Students are adjusting to the new school rules and policies. This includes the new cell phone policy that was implemented after teacher feedback and research among the admin team. At the beginning of each class, students put their phones away for the period. They are able to check them during the passing period, but not during class time. Many other local and high schools around the country have also gotten on board with this policy. There has been a change to our daily schedule, with the addition of Spartan Time on Monday’s and a shorter school day overall. This makes class time of the essence. Having no phones improves classroom conditions by enhancing engagement and minimizing distractions, which benefits both students and staff. 

Additionally, TJ has created a hall pass system that color coordinates the white, yellow, and brown passes for each of the three floors. The one student in, one student out policy has already been in place for multiple years. This is where only one student per class is allowed out to the bathrooms at a time, for safety and productivity reasons. With the additional color coordinating, the pass system minimizes roaming the halls as students are only allowed on the floor where their class is currently located. This also increases fair amounts of bathroom time for all students, as the pass is no longer missing for extended periods of time.

Currently, enrollment is right where Christoff and the other admin expected. Enrollment has evened out this year. Christoff stated that the school’s size is “right about 1360+, so that is comparable to last year’s 1363.” TJ is currently at a good size, with full classes and busy hallways.

One of the most anticipated new features in TJ is the Air Conditioning system. During the 2023 summer, a chiller mechanism was installed into the univents within each classroom. This past 2024 summer, the electrical work was done within each classroom. Currently, “they are still in the process of testing and monitoring… trying to make sure that air flow and power is getting to the univents in the classroom,” Christoff mentioned. This is why the hallway lights have been out occasionally. Overall, the school is noticeably cooler, especially the classrooms within the Social Studies hallway, which has been historically uncomfortable during the warmer months.

A new outdoor amphitheater is also being built along the side of the school, by the staff parking lot. Right now, the construction is in the process of digging up the surrounding ground. The project is expected to be complete by mid October. The amphitheater space will be used by students during lunches, outdoor class meetings, and more. 

The Spartans have many events to look forward to this school year, starting with Homecoming festivities the week of September 23rd through the 27th. Students will not have school the Friday before Homecoming. The theme of the week is Hollywood Night, with spirit days including PJ Day, dress as your favorite celebrity, Pop vs Rap, and TJ Day. Students can look forward to the annual bonfire on Monday. This is an outdoor event with food and music that all students are welcome to attend after school. Additionally, there will be a pep rally to get Spartan pride running rampant. 

All of the fall sports are in full swing right now, including boys’ football, soccer, tennis, and golf. The girls’ sports include volleyball and flag football with cross country for both genders. Make sure to attend the sporting events and support the TJ teams. Some of our very own TJ coaches will be honored at a Hall of Fame celebratory event, including some of the basketball staff. This is a large honor for all involved.

All in all, the Spartans have had a strong start with much to anticipate in the 2024-2025 school year.