Thomas Jefferson

High School | Home of the Spartans

Anticipating the FAFSA

Posted 01/21/2011 by Anna Becker

Seniors need to get ready to fill out the FAFSA in preparation for financial aid towards college.

Seniors prepare for FAFSA. Artwork by Anna Becker

College application deadlines are approaching, seniors’ nerves are on the rise, and the future center has become one of TJ’s hot spots. Now the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) form is available, and parents must get involved to help complete the long process of applying to schools. All seniors need to apply for the FAFSA. TJ is prepared to get involved and is ready to make the process as short and painless as possible. On February 15th and 24th from 6-8 p.m. TJ will be holding a workshop offering assistance to parents and students who must fill out the form.

The FAFSA is for current and prospective college students in the U.S. to determine their eligibility for federal student financial aid. Before filling out the FAFSA, parent/guardian’s 2010 taxes must be complete. Once the W2 (a form with a list of earnings and taxes paid from ones employer) has been collected, the 1040 (the tax return form) must be filled out, as well. Information such as one’s social security number, and checking and savings balances are crucial when filling out the FAFSA.

The workshop will be held at TJ in room 105. TJ’s very own College and Financial Aid Advisor Tabitha Rocha will be running the workshop along with other Denver Scholarship employees. “Filling out the FAFSA is a very intimidating process and it is crucial to have assistance in completing the application successfully,” said Rocha, who believes that anyone who is able to make one of the workshops should jump on the opportunity.

Seniors, nag your parents to complete their 2010 taxes and gear up to fill out the FAFSA. Anyone who has further questions can reach Tabitha Rocha at 720-423-7134 or e-mail her at Tabitha_Rocha@dpsk12.0rg.