Thomas Jefferson

High School | Home of the Spartans

AP Night Enlightens Parents and Students

Posted 02/03/2010 by Rachel Wilson
Artwork by Mia Nogueira

Artwork by Mia Nogueira

Spartan Administration and Advanced Placement teachers invite parents to explore AP class curriculum.

On February 4th, from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m., parents of students with AP potential will have the opportunity to get information on the advanced classes being offered at Thomas Jefferson.

The tradition of AP Night started after the PSATs were introduced to TJ. This is because the PSAT evaluates students’ scores and then helps to determine whether or not the student would be able to do well in one of TJ’s AP classes. “We discovered that there were more kids that were qualified to take AP classes based on their PSAT scores than the amount of students actually signing up,” said Principal Sandra Just. “We hope that through the information provided at AP Night, we will see a rise in the amount of students challenging themselves with more difficult classes.”

After the PSAT scores come out, the administration sends out letters to the homes of students who have shown promise for the AP program, inviting them to attend AP Night.

“Our hope is to promote dual enrollment. We want students to understand that these classes give students both high school and college credit,” said Just.

This informational night will be held in Room 108. There, AP teachers will be available to inform parents of the expectations and subject matter covered in their class. AP classes currently offered at TJ are: Biology, Calculus AB/BC, US Government, US History, Language, Literature, Music Theory, Psychology, and Physics B.

“AP parent night informs parents and students of the benefits offered by taking AP classes,” said counselor, Dawn Catalano, “I think it helps students make an informed decision on whether or not to take AP classes.”