Thomas Jefferson

High School | Home of the Spartans

Baby Night at TJ

Posted 12/08/2010 by Becca Hansen

Yearbook offers a night designed to give baby ads a new personal touch.

Artwork by Mia Nogueira

In computer lab 121 on December 9th from 4 to 8 p.m., yearbook staffers will be available for the parents of the class of 2011 who seek assistance in crafting their senior’s baby ad for the Aristocrat.

Baby ads are a section in the back of the yearbook created for parents to send a message to their student, often of congratulations to their child for working so hard, accomplishing so much, and ultimately graduating. “Baby ads are the ads in the back of the yearbook in which parents congratulate their son or daughter for their accomplishments. It’s a long time TJ tradition and is a tradition in most yearbooks,” said Yearbook Sponsor Amber Wilson.

Senior Baby Ad Night was formed to add creativity and uniqueness to the baby ad section and to allow parents to make their ad more personal to their son or daughter. “We thought the night would be nice to have the parents come in and design an ad so they would be more imaginative and original,” said Wilson.

Six members of yearbook staff will be on hand to aid parents in shaping their ad to make it the perfect acknowledgment to their son or daughter. All parents of the class of 2011 are encouraged to come; however, if desired, senior baby ads can be done the traditional way. “If a parent cannot come for the ad night for any reason they can still submit pictures electronically to myself by December 17, 2010,” said Wilson.