Thomas Jefferson

High School | Home of the Spartans

Baking with Cake Club

Posted 11/12/2010 by Hanna Kazlouskaya

A culinary alliance is forming at TJ for students who love to bake and eat cakes

Artwork by Mia Nogueira

Some students at TJ want to bake their cakes and eat them, too. So, TJ is welcoming a new and unique club this year, the Cake Club, with the genius idea from a couple of students who thought that baking and eating cakes allows baking enthusiasts to come together.

The idea for the club started out as a funny conversation between Junior Maddi Doro and her friends Marelle Davey and Allie Cornell. “It began as a joke we had on the ride home. We were joking around saying that ‘When you watch Cake Boss you want to eat cake’ then it ended up being ‘Hey, let’s make a cake club, watch Cake Boss, and make cakes!’”

As of right now, Doro is still organizing and figuring out the details of how the group is going to run, but she believes the club has a bright future ahead. “We can do a lot more with it than meets the eye. This can really change the outlook of our school and get kids involved. I am planning to organize bake sales and various fundraising. We can make cakes for Thanksgiving or Christmas and donate them to different shelters, helping the needy.”

Doro says that the Cake Club can also help expand the word around TJ to the community and different schools. “I want to partner up with Hamilton and tell them more about the Cake Club and TJ as a whole. I think this would make our school look good and add on to the great reputation we have,” said Doro.

The Cake Club is going to hold its meetings in Jacquelyn Raila’s room (235) on Wednesdays after school. “This club is great for TJ. Diversity has always been a strong point at TJ and this club is going to bring different types of kids together joining them on something so delicious. This is a great opportunity for kids to get involved in cooking and give them a chance at a Home Ec. class,” said Raila.

The club may have some problems with the school not having any stoves for the students to bake cakes in, but Doro has a solution. “My plan is to have students bake cakes at home the night before, and bring them in to school on Wednesday, so we can decorate them at TJ and get help from Raila,” said Doro.

Many TJ students are already passionate about the club and are ready to join. Senior Nick Becker is one of those students. “I love cake; it is very special to me. Every layer of the cake has a meaning. The base layer feels like being born, it just starts the cake off right. The second layer is when the cake starts to explode in flavor. The third layer is your lifetime; it’s just everything put together. Then the icing is just the protective layer of comfort,” said Becker.

The members have high hopes for this club as well, believing that it will have a positive impact on the students and help them meet new people. “Hopefully, we will make a big influence in the culinary arts at TJ and on the people interested in the culinary arts. We want to educate and create a family along the way,” said Becker.

The Cake Club is a great way for TJ students to get involved in the school and community around them. Joining the club is easy, there is no fee to join and all one has to do is go to a meeting and speak with Doro.