Want to Start Your Own Club?
Don’t see what you’re looking for in the list below? Get together and start a club of your own. In order to be recognized as a official club at TJ, here’s what you need to do…
Current Clubs and Activities
Anime Club
Sponsor: Katie Fitzgerald – katie_fitzgerald@dpsk12.net
Meeting time: Spartan Time on Mondays and Wednesdays during 5th Lunch in Room 123
Art Club
Sponsor: Lisa Freedberg – lfreedb@dpsk12.net
Meeting time: Mondays during Spartan Time in Room 35
Asian Student Alliance
Sponsor: Abby Griffin – abigail_griffin@dpsk12.net
Meeting time: Fridays during 5th Lunch in Room 131
Bible Study Club
Sponsor: Rebecca Moore – rebecca_moore@dpsk12.net
Meeting time: Wednesdays during 5th Lunch in Room 111
Reach out to Billy Rodriquez and Simon Turner for more information.
Black Girls Rock Club
Sponsor: Jameelah Whimbush – jameelah_whimbush@dpsk12.net
Meeting time: Twice a month on Mondays during Spartan Time in Room 6
Black Student Alliance (BSA)
Sponsor: Kyler Jackson – kyler_jackson@dpsk12.net
Meeting time: Tuesdays at 4th Lunch in Room 111
Campus Life
Sponsor: Michael Logan – michael_logan@dpsk12.net
Meeting time: Tuesdays during 5th Lunch in Room 115
Campus Life leaders build relationships with young people to introduce them to Christ. We seek to cultivate great moments of connection and community for young people. Through a holistic approach Campus Life helps students as they wrestle with critical issues. Leaders help young people realize a Christ-centered life that provides balance mentally, physically, spiritually, and socially.
Challenge 5280/Student Board
Sponsors: TBD
Meeting time: TBD
In this club, students conduct research on a project around some kind of social justice inequity within our school and community. After identifying the problem, we work to find solutions, both immediate and through long term policy changes to address this inequity in order to make TJ a more welcoming space for all students. We compete with all other DPS high schools in the Challenge 5280 competition and present our projects to the Denver Public Schools Board of Education. Three students from the team also represent TJ students at Board meetings once a month as the Student Board of Education Representatives. Students receive elective credit for this club and there is an interview process at the beginning.
Chess Club
Sponsor: Nicholas Pratareli – nicholas_pratarelli@dpsk12.net
Meeting time: Mondays during Spartan Time in Room 117
TJ Classical League
Sponsor: Amber Wilson – amber_wilson@dpsk12.net
Meeting time: Wednesdays after school from 3:30-4:30pm in Room 219
But we do far more than just study the language of Ancient Rome. For instance we study Greek and Roman mythology, ancient Roman and Greek culture, literature from the time and everyone’s favorite… Food!! Studying Latin can help improve SAT scores being that much of English is derived from Latin roots and grammatical structures. Students interested in medical, science and legal careers can also benefit as many terms used in these disciplines are Latin. We also participate in the annual Colorado Junior Classical League Competition. Last year, our first year participating, we came in fourth of 20 schools in the Latin Quiz Bowl. Most of those schools are charter and private schools with a focus on the classical studies.
Crochet Club
Sponsor: Tamby Reed – tambyr_reed@dpsk12.net
Meeting time: Fridays during 4th Lunch in Room 149
Sponsor: Matt Nicolo – MATTHEW_NICOLO@dpsk12.net
Meeting info: Must be enrolled in the CCT program at TJ.
DECA prepares emerging leaders and entrepreneurs for careers in marketing, finance, hospitality and management in high schools and colleges around the globe. With over a 60 year history, DECA has touched the lives of more than ten million students, educators, school administrators and business professionals. Their strong connection with our organization has resonated into a brand that people identify as a remarkable experience in the preparation of emerging leaders and entrepreneurs. Check out the TJ DECA website for more information: http://tjdeca.tjcctweb.com/
Drama Club
Sponsor: Andre Moss – ANDRE_MOSS@dpsk12.net
Meeting time: After school in the auditorium. Please check the rehearsal calendar for exact meeting times (generally Mon-Wed from 4-6pm)
Sponsor: Robin Morrissey – robin_morrissey@dpsk12.net
Meeting time: Tuesdays & Thursdays after school in Room 148
This group performs at home football & basketball games, pep rallies, and community events.
This club is for people who want to unleash their imaginations through board game based role playing. Our goal is to create a creative and fun environment for TJ staff and students.
Sponsor: Jason Klimczak – jason_klimczak@dpsk12.net
Meeting time: Tuesdays during 5th Lunch in Room 238
Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA)
Sponsor: Kyler Jackson – kyler_jackson@dpsk12.net
Meeting time: Thursdays during 4th Lunch in Room 14
Future Focus
Sponsor: Alyssa Baker – alyssa_baker@dpsk12.net
Meeting time: 9th Grade – Every other Wednesday during lunch, 10th Grade – Every other Wednesday During lunch, 11th Grade – Every other Thursday during lunch
This club is for students to gain tools to help be successful in high school and prepare for life after high school. Creating a college-going identity through exploring personal identity, career exploration, college exploration, admissions, scholarships and financial aid.
Gay-Straight Alliance (GSA)
Sponsors: Megan Miccio, Marianna Barclay, & Andre Moss – MEGAN_MICCIO_@dpsk12.net, MARIANNA_BARCLAY@dpsk12.net, ANDRE_MOSS@dpsk12.net
Meeting time: Mondays during 4th & 5th Lunch in Room 233
The Gay-Straight Alliance (GSA) is a student-run club which provides a safe place for students to meet, support each other, talk about issues related to sexual orientation, and work to end homophobia and other instances of prejudice, discrimination and intolerance. We function as a support group and provide safety and confidentiality to students who are struggling with their identity as gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, or questioning. In addition to support, we work on educating ourselves and the broader school community about sexual orientation and gender identity issues. We sometimes bring in outside speakers to cover a particular topic such as GLBTQ history or bullying. The GSA also organizes educational workshops, panels, and pride celebrations and celebrates specific annual events such as Ally Week and Day of Silence.
Hispanic-Latino Club
Sponsor: Lynne Valencia – lynne_valencia-hernandez@dpsk12.net
Meeting time: Wednesdays during 5th period lunch in Room 218
We partner with Affiliates across the city of Denver to serve Hispanic/Latinos of Thomas Jefferson High School in the areas of civic engagement, civil rights and immigration, education, workforce and the economy, health, and housing. We believe in fighting for our community and for an America where economic, political, and social advancement is a reality for all Hispanics/Latinos. This is an organization for people who are Hispanic/Latino OR for people who appreciate Hispanic/Latino culture. If you fall into one of these categories, then this is the club for you!
Interact Club
Sponsor: Emily Churchill – emily_churchill@dpsk12.net and Herb Lynch – hlynch@dpsk12.net
Meeting time: Mondays during 5th Lunch and an occasional Spartan Time meetings in Room 216
Reach out to student, Riley Rimkus, for the most updated information and meeting calendar.
Jazz & Modern Band
Sponsor: Robin Morrissey – ROBIN_MORRISSEY@dpsk12.net
Meeting time: Tuesdays & Thursdays after school in Room 148 from 4:30-5:45pm
Jewish Student Connection Club
Sponsor: Amber Wilson – AMBER_WILSON@dpsk12.net
Meeting time: Mondays during both 4th and 5th Lunch in Room 219
Jewish Student Connection Club celebrates the intersection between Jewish and American culture, tradition, and values and nurtures understanding and allyship among Jewish and non-Jewish students alike. Everyone is welcome to come every other Friday, eat pizza, and build a community.
Major Vincent Lewis – vincent_lewis@dpsk12.net
CW4 Chief Charles Gaines – charles_gaines@dpsk12.net
Meeting times: JROTC is an elective course and is part of your daily schedule. The drill and marksmanship teams meet after school. Exact schedule will be determined at a later date.
Knowledge Bowl
Sponsor: Major Vincent Lewis — vincent_lewis@dpsk12.net
Parent coach: Laura Mitchell — brainbowl@smalldatabasesolutions.com
Meeting time: Tuesdays during 4th and 5th lunch in Room 38
Knowledge Bowl is an interdisciplinary academic quiz bowl competition for teams of four to six students. Practice is held Tuesdays during lunch in preparation for several metro-area weekend tournaments during the school year. Participation is open to all students with a love for knowledge.
National Honor Society
Sponsor: Stephanie Jones – stephanie_jones@dpsk12.net & Tambyr Reed – tambyr_reed@dpsk12.net
Meeting time: TBD in Room 111
Every spring Juniors and Seniors are invited to apply based on a GPA of 3.7 or higher. Can get 5 credits of independent study for Humanities.
Ping Pong Club
Sponsor: Sean Silvers
Meeting Time: Tuesdays during 5th period in the Dance Room.
Shakespeare Club
Sponsor: Jenn Sonheim – jsonhei@dpsk12.net
Meeting Time: Mondays after school in Room 210, as we get closer to Shakespeare Festival we will meet Mondays and Wednesdays after school! 3:25 – 3:50 (At least one time through the scene)
Shakespeare Club is a group of young people that appreciate the many fine works of William Shakespeare (The Bard) and have an interest in acting and performing! We prepare a scene or scenes for the Annual Shakespeare Festival which takes place on the last Friday in April at the Denver Center of the Performing Arts Pavillion. Our “auditions” are the week before Spring Break.
Shield Our Schools Club
Sponsor: Laura Prow – laura_prow@dpsk12.net
Meeting time: Fridays during 5th Lunch in Room 10
Shield Our Schools Club is a club connected with a non profit organization by the same name dedicated to keeping all students safe no matter the ability.
Sponsor: Jonathan Howard – jonathan_howard@dpsk12.net
Meeting time: Mondays during Spartan Time in Room 105
SkillsUSA is a CTSO student organization with a focus on Career Tech. It is for any TJ student currently enrolled in the CTE or CCT program. It is a partnership of students, teachers and industry representatives, working together to ensure America has a skilled workforce. It helps each student excel in leadership and technology skills. The current skills participation is 3D, Web Design Video, Photography, and Programming. This student chapter meets about once a month to organize community service, social events, fundraisers, and conduct technical competition. Check the TJ SkillsUSA website for more information: http://www.skillsusa.org
Social Club
Sponsor: James Stephenson – james_stephenson@dpsk12.net
Meeting time: Wednesday at Lunch in Room 229
This club will be a fun, inclusive opportunity for people to meet new friends or just come and have a good time.
Speech & Debate
Sponsor: Nicole Benek – nicole_benak@dpsk12.net
Meeting time: Tuesdays and Wednesdays during 5th period Lunch – Room 202
By following the creed and regulations of the National Speech and Debate Association (or the NSDA), we will build and improve upon the foundations of communication you would learn in a language arts class, add the creativity and fun of a drama class, and build a skill set that will leave you well equipped to take on any profession (not to mention, this will look AMAZING on your college applications). This is considered a CHSAA sport.
Sustainability Club
Sponsor: Maggie Kennedy – MARGARET_KENNEDY@dpsk12.net
Meeting time: Mondays during Spartan Time in Room 120
Reach out to Maggie Kennedy for more information.
Tea Club
Sponsor: Rachel Teeter- rachel_teeter@dpsk12.net
Meeting time: Every other Thursday during 5th Lunch in Room 212
Tri-M Music Honor Society / Music Leadership
Sponsor: Robin Morrissey – ROBIN_MORRISSEY@dpsk12.net
Meeting time: Fridays during lunch in Room 148
All students in choir, band &/or orchestra are welcome to come to meetings and help guide our conversations. Membership is the Tri-M is based on a GPA of 3.7 or higher.
Women’s Empowerment Club
Sponsor: Meghan Tocci – meghan_tocci@dpsk12.net
Meeting time: Thursdays @ Lunch in Room 220
Young Men of Purpose
Sponsor: Rico Wint – rico.wint@gmail.com
Meeting time: Thursdays during 4th and 5th Lunch in Room 111
Email Rico for more information prior to joining