Thomas Jefferson

High School | Home of the Spartans

College Fair Is Coming

Posted 10/05/2011 by Abby Montgomery

Colleges from around Colorado will be at TJ in order to help students pick out schools of interest, as well as help with the application process.

Artwork by Ed Gloor

On Monday, October 24th, TJ will be hosting an in state college fair for juniors and seniors in the gymnasium in order to help students become familiar with colleges, and also even help them with the application process.

The fair will take place during 3rd and 4th period, where students are free to browse the gym and see which colleges in which they would be interested. There will be over 25 different schools at the fair, including colleges such as the University of Colorado at Boulder, Metropolitan State College of Denver, Colorado State University, Mesa State, University of Nothern Colorado, and many more. “The fair is a great way for students to look at and make contact with colleges all around Colorado,” said Future Center Counselor Tabitha Rocha.

The fair is for all juniors and seniors, and they are highly encouraged to attend. It will begin at 9:30 a.m. and end at approximately 10:30 a.m. Seniors are to attend throughout the entire fair, and juniors should attend towards the end of 3rd period and the beginning of 4th.

“The representatives at the booths will typically be the ones viewing the TJ college applications that are sent to them, so the fair will not only help students look at different schools, but it will also help them by allowing the representatives to put a face to each application, since students will meet them at the fair,” said Rocha.