photo by Robert Sandoval
TJ Volleyball comes to the end of the season with an impressive record of 14-3.
Approaching the end of the volleyball season, the varsity girls are working hard, pushing themselves, and encouraging each other which will hopefully lead them to state. Coaches Erik Rhee, Meg Cypress, and Trisha Mortel are amazed with all the work that the girls have put in this season and are still pushing them to finish the season strong.
With the season coming to an end with such a positive game record, the girls are aiming for state and not slowing down. Head coach Rhee has been pushing and inspiring his players to work hard on and off the court. “We want the kids to understand what it means to be part of a team and to put the team’s goals ahead of your own individual goals,” said Rhee. “Recognizing the value of hard work and discipline both academically and athletically is what we strive to instill in the players in our program.”
Rhee came back for his second year of coaching TJ volleyball to help the girls further improve as players and grow as a volleyball program. “I started coaching right after I graduated from college,” Rhee explained. He knows how to coach a team and hopefully he will be TJ’s head coach for as long as he can.
Senior Annie McAninch, who has been on the varsity team since her freshman year, said, “My favorite part of the TJ volleyball is for sure the coaches and the girls, but when it comes to the games the crowd really gets me going.” The coaches, girls, and crowd all bring the energy in the gym to a new level and make the games and practices more exciting.
TJ introduced a new athletic director this year, Anne Rice, Rice filled the position and has been a good fit for TJ and she is looking forward to what TJ athletics has to offer. Rice is excited for all of TJ sporting events, meeting all the families and kids, and using with she has learned to help all the teams learn and grow. “My favorite part is being able to watch all the kids play and getting to meet all the families and kids.” With the girls on the extraordinary path that they are on Rice hopes that the team will be on their way to state. The TJ community is supporting the girls while they keep working hard and work their way to state.