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Get a Dose of this Vitamin

Posted 03/20/2009 by Rhea Boyd

Record company brings a different perspective to ageless hits.

photo by Manny Perez and Rhea Boyd

photo by Manny Perez and Rhea Boyd

Vitamin Records has been constantly dedicating itself to offering music fans high quality string quartet, lounge and electronic tributes to a large range of artists.

Since its creation in 1999, Vitamin Records’ mission has been to create and provide exciting versions of fan-favorite songs performed in new musical contexts. Basically, Vitamin transforms mainstream original songs into intense instrumental remixes. The label started its musical career with the album The String Quartet Tribute to Led Zeppelin and since has produced 185 releases.

The intricate musicianship incorporated into each album is guaranteed by the quality of players involved in each project. Vitamin Records has a broad collection of releases under the artist title Vitamin String Quartet. Each instrumentalist has undeniable talent and commitment to their musical task.

Listeners can find string tributes to popular artists such as Weezer and John Mayer. Tributes to lesser-known musical geniuses are also easily found among their pages of albums such as Radiohead and Elliot Smith. No matter the height of Billboard popularity, the remixes never fail to ensure full allegiance to transcribing a song into a remix masterpiece.

Each song undertakes a complete metamorphosis as it is finessed into an instrumental ballad.  The tones and melodies never fail to have the audience humming along, remembering the changes in pitch and pauses. The String Quartet has created a tribute to Guns N’ Roses, turning the hard metal edge of Axel Rose’s voice into a “singing” violin, following the vocals with a medley of closely knit notes on the brink.

String preformed variations are not the only transformation that songs can go through while being produced at Vitamin Records. Electronic remixes are not foreign to the record company, which released about 36 records during their decade-long run. Those listeners looking for dance remixes to classic Pink Floyd tunes can get their fix from Vitamin Records as well, they offer many different artists performing the oldy-but-goody anthems.

For each album, Vitamin Records assembles a team of the best string players and producers in the business. With each album sold, a guarantee of superb musicianship is assured due to the talent and professionalism of each artist.

Vitamin Records generally is creating new and innovative remix albums on a regular basis, staying current with the times and musical tastes. Coldplay fans can find their latest album Viva la Vida preformed by the string masters of Vitamin String Quartet located in the “New Releases” section of their website. There, people can also find new tribute albums consisting of hits that Billboard charts have shown are popular among music enthusiasts.

Those interested in hearing the instrumental tributes are suggested to visit their website;, where they can find pages of albums and a search bar useful for those looking for specific artists. The website can also lend in a hand in those looking to purchase the albums online or finding a retail outlet that carries them.