Thomas Jefferson

High School | Home of the Spartans

Grab-N-Go Breakfast

Posted 03/14/2011 by Katie Boyer

District provides Spartans with the most important meal of the day…for free.

Photo by Katie Boyer

TJ now joins the rest of DPS by supplying free breakfast for students who get to school before 7:30 a.m. and are looking for fuel for the day.  TJ Lunchroom Manager Dave Rikert says, “The free breakfast campaign is open to any and all students. Everyone should start the day off full, so they’re ready to learn.” Free breakfast is available in the lunchroom or if students are in a rush, there is also a cart conveniently placed outside of the lunchroom.

Though free and reduced lunch is offered to students who show financial need, breakfast is completely free for any student who attends a DPS school. “This campaign has been district-wide since last year, but it only began at TJ this year,” comments Rikert. “All students have to do is put in their DPS number and they can have a meal.”

This free meal includes – but is not limited to – fresh or canned fruit, bagels, toast, breakfast pizza and burritos, milk, and the choice between orange and apple juice. With a healthy variety of foods at absolutely no cost, all students are encouraged to take advantage of this opportunity. Senior Stephanie Acree commented, “I didn’t know breakfast was free until I overheard students talk about it, so I tried it and it was really good. It’s nice because sometimes I don’t have time to eat breakfast before catching the bus, so then I can have food here.”

Many students try to take advantage of the free breakfast, and visit on an everyday basis. Junior Kenny Paredes said, “I eat breakfast at school in the lunchroom everyday.  My favorite is the breakfast burrito, but the food is really good in general.”

The Free Breakfast Campaign is a federally funded program to help keep students focused and out of trouble. Assistant Principal and Athletic Director Lani Nobles said, “We were noticing students weren’t able to focus in the morning and the first thing we’d ask was if they had breakfast; the answer would be no. This also really helps the athletes who are at school late due to practices or games.”

Meals are offered in or right outside of the lunchroom completely for free, so Spartans have no excuse to be hungry in the mornings.