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How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Internet…

Posted 02/03/2010 by Jasmine Kabera

…and why you shouldn’t be afraid of it.

Artwork by Anna Becker

Artwork by Anna Becker

Internet: the final frontier. When all else fails, the World Wide Web provides a plentiful playground. Should we fear the Internet? Is the Internet creating a multitude of mindless, overweight zombies, with drool dribbling down their chins? I believe not. In fact, the Internet should not be shunned or ostracized, but seen as the next step in human evolution.

Practically anything and everything you can fathom in our known universe can be found just one mouse click away. From young to old, foolish to clever, we are all on a level playing field. It does not matter who or what we are, the Internet is here to masterfully serve our needs. Whether reconnecting with loved ones or finding a hysterical video posted for all to see, the information super highway always here for every occasion.

The Internet represents the world community coming together in one place and sharing experiences and wisdom. Was there ever a time when ordinary people could utilize technology to show their extraordinary individual traits? Was there ever a time when the world with all its imperfections could be accessible to everyone? With one simple click, we’re walking on the sandy shores of Southern France or tiptoeing across the cobbled steps of Prague. Another click lets us talk to our cousin in London, catch up with a childhood friend, or translate a web page written in Cantonese. The Internet feeds so much into everyday life it’s hard to imagine living without it. There are maps, magazines, measurements, motivational speakers, and ways to manage money. We can learn how to cook, how to make a video, how to know if our boyfriend’s cheating, how to draw and even how to be a ninja. We can shop, preview a movie, learn about a new artist, view art and rate it. We can shop for books, antique goods, cars, and sell all the useless stuff that has accumulated in our closets. There is always something to do, something to see, to read about, gossip and criticize, and most importantly to learn about.

For everyone’s use there are a host of search engines that open a floodgate of information. It might seem overwhelming at times, especially with the cyber world becoming more complex and even posing as a danger in forms of viruses and hackers, but with newly discovered danger there is always newly discovered ways to avoid it. The Internet’s rapid growth has leaked into other forms of technology, also. Today it’s becoming a norm for libraries, college campuses and Starbucks to have free Wi-Fi, and even cell phones are able to tap into the web.

The Internet allows its users to contribute to or be a witness of the modern world without leaving the comfort of a leather office chair. Information is key to learning, and the more we dabble in what the Internet has and will provide, the faster we can understand our changing world.
If humans are constantly evolving, constantly moving, it is inevitable our technology will follow suit. There is always danger in the knowledge we acquire, but the Internet is just as multifaceted as the world is.