Thomas Jefferson

High School | Home of the Spartans

Huffman in Charge

Posted 10/03/2011 by Vanessa Gillespie

Go Ms. Huffman, you can do it, put a little Chi Town to it!

Photo by Kiera Classen

Adapted to the Illinois lifestyle, Huffman left the nest and created a new life at North High School. Ending that, Mallory Huffman soared her way into Thomas Jefferson, where she started as a volunteer sweetheart, gradually growing with the TJ spirit.

Dancing competitively since three, cheering at the age of seven, Poms in high school, Huffman knew for sure cheer was what she was designed to do. Born and raised in Chicago, Illinois the buffalo wings expert has two other siblings, enjoys reading, shopping, traveling, and writing in her spare time. Huffman graduated from Fremd High School and Rosabia University (majoring in English) both located in Chicago.  Leaving the babysitting, lifeguard, pizza and G.A.P. jobs behind her, she became an astonishing adult with a goal of creating successful students.

While ending the 2011 cheerleading season with only mild success, faculty members declared that Thomas Jefferson needed to become full of energy, school pride and anything that would bring the Spartan groove back, leaving it all in Activities Director Lani Nobles‘ hands. “I’m committed to hiring a cheer coach like I hire all my other coaches,” said Nobles who interviewed several other coaches, but excellence is what caught her eye. Nobles said she was really fond of Huffman, knowing she was prepared for our school. “Mallory has a lot of energy. She is young, passionate, someone you can’t skip out on.”

Giving her a rush of excitement, Thomas Jefferson stays in her heart, overcoming her favorite memory, crossing the finish line of the Chicago marathon. As Huffman gathered her things and waved goodbye to North, she paved her road into Thomas Jefferson. Huffman knew with confidence she was going to make TJ into a bigger spirit powerhouse, transforming the cheerleaders into masterpieces, changing the way others look at TJ based on its positive sport attitude. Nobles, on the other hand, was a bit concerned if Huffman was prepared for the TJ population. Proving Nobles wrong, Huffman asserted,  “No hard feelings for any others out there, but I prefer to work with urban schools. I enjoy DPS district.” And Nobles says Huffman got A’s when the work began.

Climbing the ladder to success, Huffman experienced obstacles, attitudes and rules, mastering it but adding her own little twist to reach her peak. Working as an English teacher on the second floor and developing the cheerleaders into a force of positive energy, Mallory Huffman is holding true to her words and standing her ground. “I love Ms. Huffman; she is really strict and good at what she does,” Cheer Veteran Kiarra Jenkins lively announced. “Who wouldn’t love her? Be prepared for what’s in store, TJ!”

Leaving us in suspense, but driving our spirits high, Mallory Huffman brightens the gold of Thomas Jefferson. You don’t have to be a cheerleader to have school spirit, but you must be Mallory Huffman to be the best a cheer coach.

“Raise the roof!” Nobles chants about the limitless future of Mallory Huffman.