Thomas Jefferson

High School | Home of the Spartans

It’s Aristograb Time!

Posted 05/04/2010 by Rebecca Holt

Get your yearbook receipts, pens, and cheesy yearbook sayings ready, Aristograb is just around the corner.


Pick up your Aristocrat Yearbook at Aristograb on Wednesday May 5th. Artwork by Rebecca Holt.

The Aristograb is an annual event at Thomas Jefferson High School that is full of excitement and memories; it is when the yearbook, The Aristocrat, is distributed to all of those who purchased one. It is also a time to sign your friends’ yearbooks and look through it for the first time to see all of the hard work that has been put into it by TJ’s yearbook staff. “It’s always an exciting time of the year when Aristograb rolls around. It’s an awesome feeling seeing the students and staff enjoying the fruits of our labor,” said Amber Wilson, the Yearbook Advisor.

The Aristograb is scheduled for Wednesday, May 5th during excel time (1:05-2:10) in the gym. If you purchased a yearbook, bring the receipt to Aristograb.  If you lost your receipt you can purchase a replacement from the treasurer, Derek Steffes for $1.00. You must bring your receipt in order to get your yearbook. If you need to purchase a yearbook, they are still on sale at the treasurer’s office for $75 and will be sold on the day of Aristograb. If anyone who purchased a yearbook is not able to attend Aristograb, they can pick up their books in the treasurer’s office before the school year ends.

The Aristograb is a fairly simple process: once classes are dismissed on Wednesday, all students who purchased a yearbook will make their way to the gym. There are tables in the middle of the gym that are organized in alphabetical order by last name. Music is blasting on the sound system and there are plenty of pens laid out for use.  The Aristograb is time set aside by the school for yearbook signing, because after Aristograb most teachers do not allow yearbook signing to take place in the classroom.  The Aristograb is one final chance for all of the seniors to get together and sign each others yearbooks before heading off to college. However, the Aristograb is voluntary and anyone who purchased a book can pick it up and leave whenever they are ready.

This year’s Aristocrat is unique because it is the 50th edition of the TJ yearbook. And, as a bonus, there will be one book that is even more unique than the rest: it is a Daniel Graham autographed yearbook. Graham is a TJ alumni and Denver Broncos Tight End.  Everyone who has purchased a yearbook already has their name in a raffle to win the additional signed copy of the book. Additional raffle tickets will be on sale at the Aristograb for $1.00 to increase your chances at winning the signed copy.

“Aristograb is definitely something you want to attend, if you bought one. The staff spends the entire year putting together the yearbook that the whole school can be proud of.  It’s a fun afternoon and a great chance to get everyone’s signature in your book,” commented Taliah Farnsworth, the Yearbook Editor.