Thomas Jefferson

High School | Home of the Spartans

January 2010

Posted 01/07/2010 by Matt Spampi

It is the time of year when we set new resolutions. We set new expectations and hopes for an amazing year. We are motivated and energetic. As a school, we do not necessarily set new goals, but we do continue to strengthen our resolve on the following:

1. We resolve to increase CSAP achievement by 10% in Math, Science, Reading and Writing at grades 9 and 10.
2. We resolve to attain 92% overall student attendance.
3. We resolve to have 100% of our 9th grade be on track for graduation at the end of the school year.
4. We resolve to increase our growth on ACT test scores.
5. We resolve to increase, by 5%, the number of students receiving a ‘3, 4, or 5’ on Advanced Placement tests.
6. We resolve to increase parent and student satisfaction rates on the School Satisfaction Survey.
7. We resolve to increase graduation rates.

Our tasks are not easy, but we are committed. Are you committed to our resolutions? I hope so! Together we can shape the future of Thomas Jefferson High School.

Happy New Year!
Sandra Just
Principal, Thomas Jefferson High School