Thomas Jefferson

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Just Breathe

Posted 12/14/2010 by Marina Miller

When the stress of the holidays seems to be getting you down, just remember to take a deep breath in and smile.

Photo by Hanna Kazlouskaya

The holidays can be a stressful time for everyone, between navigating the busy stores, trying to find the perfect gift and the toll this takes on monetary constraints.  These three simple tricks will help to quickly relieve tension and make the holiday season more carefree and cheerful rather than stressful.

Here are three ways to de-stress your life when you find yourself in a sticky situation.

Technique #1: Standing in long lines seems to become part of a routine for shoppers during this busy time of year.  When you feel your patience running low and your smile drooping into a frown, do this exercise.  While standing, shift your weight to the heels of your feet and then back to the tips of your toes.  This rocking movement has a calming effect on the entire body because there are so many nerve endings on the bottom of the foot.  Just remember to close your eyes and take deep breaths in and out.  Come up with a mantra, a phrase to repeat to yourself that will have a calming effect.  Try something like, “Everything will fall into place,” or “A smile a day keeps the stress away.”

Technique #2: The second quick yoga fix is best while sitting in a chair. Whether at a desk or in the car in the parking lot before braving the bustling shopping mall, this will be sure to relieve tension.  Start by sitting up straight in the chair and taking deep breaths in and out. On an exhale let your shoulders drop and your arms fall limply at your sides.  Inhale; as you exhale slowly lower your chest and upper body down to rest on your thighs. Remain in this position for about four seconds while breathing deeply.  Repeat three to five times or until you notice the stares from around the room.

Technique #3:
After a long day of shopping, do this pose before you go to bed, to decompress your mind and your spine.   Stand up straight and relax your shoulders.  Exhale and bend over with your knees slightly bent.  Hang bent over like a puppet for about 10 to 15 seconds breathing deeply and repeating your mantra.  Take a deep breath in and slowly stand up straight, stacking each vertebrae one on top of the other.

The holidays can bring about lots of emotions, the good, the bad and the ugly.  When the bad and the ugly try to rear their heads, take a deep breath in, smile and exhale.