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La Vida Loca in Barcelona

Posted 09/03/2008 by Martha Alvarez

A bitter-sweet tale of two American friends.
by Martha Alvarez

VCB_Small_1.jpg    The movie Vicky Cristina Barcelona narrates a summer in the life of Vicky (Rebecca Hall), and Cristina (Scarlett Johansson). They are both looking for a change of scenery and decide to go and visit one of Vicky’s childhood friends in the beautiful city of Barcelona. This movie was the most bizarre two hours that I have spent in a movie theater so far this year. The acting was amazing, but I really can’t say much for the story.

     The two friends spend the first week of their vacation sightseeing around all of Barcelona. This was my favorite part of the movie, because it seemed like I was there. The music is original and it goes really well with the film as a whole. I loved the fact that the director, Woody Allen, used songs that are traditional to the places visited by the girls. After all the sightseeing, they decide to go out with Vicky’s friend and end up at a very distinguished art show. There Cristina, the boy-crazy and romance obsessed part of the duo, falls in love at first sight. It turns out that this man is a somewhat celebrated Spanish painter known as Juan Antonio (Javier Bardem), who was made famous by the very public and violent divorce with the artist Maria Elena (Penelope Cruz). After the art event, Vicky and Cristina end up in a small restaurant for a late dinner. There they find Juan Antonio, who will try to convince both of them to travel with him to a weekend get-away.

     Vicky quickly tries to talk her way out of the situation with Juan Antonio, but Cristina agrees to the trip, even though the conditions include “…dinner and a night in Juan Antonio’s bed." I was so surprised when the girls end up in a small plane with Juan, who assures them that he is a very good pilot and can get them out of the horrible storm in which they are trapped. The next morning, the girls go sight seeing in Miro, which Juan Antonio directs. Everything is fine until the night falls and he reminds them of the sleeping arrangements. Vicky is very insulted by the offer and retires to her bedroom, while Cristina goes with Juan.  Just when things begin to get steamy, Cristina suddenly feels sick and has to be taken to the local doctor. She is diagnosed with food and alcohol poisoning, which leads to Vicky and Juan Antonio having to spend the whole day and night together.

     The next day Cristina is better and it seems as if everything between Vicky and Juan has been forgotten, or at least put aside. Juan then decides that he still prefers Cristina over Vicky even after their hot encounter the night before.  After getting back to Barcelona, Cristina moves in with Juan, who brings his ex-wife to live with them after one of her crazy attempts at suicide. Maria Elena (Penelope Cruz), is still madly in love with her ex husband, and extremely jealous of his relationship with Cristina. I was so amazed at Scarlett and Penelope’s acting during this part of the movie; it was realistic and intense. I wish they would have argued more throughout the film, because it made the situation even more interesting to watch. But after all the arguments, Maria Elena and Cristina develop a very special relationship with Juan Antonio.  They decide that instead of fighting over him they should share him! This was the one moment in the movie when I just had to stare at the screen, waiting to see what other crazy romance based problem was going to happen.

     On the other side of the world, Vicky’s fiancé is ready to go and meet with her in Barcelona for the rest of the summer. Once he arrives, the story takes on another crazy turn, and Vicky realizes that the man she loves (Juan Antonio) is the guy who’s living with her best friend! The two girls still keep their friendship strong, even after their boy-based problems. This is when everything started to get stranger; even Vicky agrees with the sharing that’s going on with Maria Elena and Cristina. It seems like everyone in this movie has gone insane in Barcelona. Maybe it’s the fact that they’re open minded, or that Juan Antonio is such an “attractive” guy, but it’s still unusual to see these girls so interested in him.

     After the change of environment, the crazy offers, and sharing that goes on in this movie you would think that this couldn’t get any more unusual. You are all warned that the ending is weirder than the beginning. But that’s something you are going to have to go and spend your own $7.50 to see for yourself.