Thomas Jefferson

High School | Home of the Spartans

Let the Games Begin

Posted 09/17/2010 by Luke DeGregori

TJ’s Game Club is ready to play.

Artwork by Mia Nogueira

Every Monday after school, TJ’s upcoming Game Club will brawl, battle, and combine forces while playing video games ranging from Little Big Planet to Call of Duty. “The Game Club is a really fun way to end the day,” said Senior Club President Aaryon Bradley. “It makes it even more fun to be able to play with friends. You don’t get that sheltered feeling.”

After last year’s successful Game Club, Bradley and Senior Richard Van Zetten plan to continue the tradition by spearheading this year’s club. “Tim Barber, who was last year’s president, passed the torch on to me and Richard,” said Bradley. “We feel as though it would be disrespectful if we didn’t keep up the club.”

Now an enthusiastic gamer, Van Zetten’s love for gaming began at a young age. “I’ve been gaming since I could walk,” said Van Zetten. “Now, I just love doing it because I enjoy seeing people on the other side of the world get creamed by me in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare.”

To retort, Bradley also announced his history of gaming in a gruff, Irish accent. “I’ve been gaming since I was a wee little boy in my mother’s womb,” proclaimed Bradley. “But hey, who knew it would take me anywhere?”

After years of devoted playing, the two fervent gamers are highly anticipating the upcoming year. “We really do wish we could take it to some sort of national gaming tournament,” said Van Zetten. “I think we’d totally ‘own.’ But really, it’s nothing serious. It’s just a bunch of guys having fun, strengthening the community, and playing games.”

Senior Chuck May, a member of Game Club since his sophomore year, is very excited for this year’s club, and all that it will bring. “The club is simply awesome, wrapped in sugar, dipped in chocolate, and sprinkled with more awesome,” laughed May. “I especially like all the social interactions that go on between a bunch of other people who love games.”

The Game Club anticipates the use of a variety of consoles, including the Sony PlayStation 3, the Microsoft Xbox, and the Nintendo Wii, along with occasionally trying PC gaming. “We’re really going to try some new things this upcoming year,” said Bradley. “We’re planning on expanding it to appeal to a lot of different people. Personally, I’m not much of a PC guy. But hey, I’ll give it a shot.”

In addition to utilizing numerous consoles, Bradley and Van Zetten also have plans regarding the range of games that will be played. “We’re really just shooting for anything multi-player,” wailed Bradley. The list of intended games included Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, Little Big Planet, Rock Band, and the Metroid series.

Van Zetten also is highly anticipating the arrival of many yet-to-be-released games. “Where do I start!” cried Van Zetten, eyes widening with excitement. “I have a list, bro: Diablo 3, Dead Space 2, Little Big Planet 2… the list goes on, man.”

While the two co-presidents are still searching for a room to host the weekly Game Club, they hold high hopes for the club’s success. “We already have 10 people who are for sure joining, probably more,” said Bradley. “We think we’ll be able to keep it up all year, every week.”

Ultimately, the presidents of the Game Club await a year of fun, excitement, and some serious gaming. “Don’t be afraid to come down, we’re all really nice guys,” said Bradley. “Except, of course, for Richard if you kill him in Modern Warfare.”

The Game Club plans to meet every Monday after school, and is still searching for a room to host their club. If you’re interested in joining the Game Club, talk to Aaryon Bradley or Richard Van Zetten for further information.