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Luke's Baffling Brainteaser

Posted 01/31/2010 by Luke DeGregori

Brainteaser #12: Square


Connect all four of these dots in an enclosed figure using three straight lines.

Answer: Do a large right triangle that goes outside of the circle.

Brainteaser #11: Broken.

hammerWhat is most useful when it is broken?

Answer: An egg

Brainteaser #10: Translation

Translate the following:


Answer: Too wise you are too wise you be I see you are too wise for me.

Call of Duty 1000


Brainteaser #8: Pinocchio

PinocchioWhat would happen if Pinocchio said “My nose is about to grow”?

Answer: It’s a paradox

Brainteaser #7: Running from Home

running-feetYou decide to run from home. You start out running to the right. Then, you take a sharp turn left and keep running. Then, you take another sharp turn left. After running a little while longer, you decide to head home. Once you reach home, there are two men in masks waiting for you. Who are they?

Answer: They are the catcher and the umpire. You’re playing baseball.

Brainteaser #6: Walking

walking-silhouette-clip-artYou walk and walk to get it. Once you get it, you have to find it. Once you find it, you throw it away.

What is it?

Answer: A Splinter

Brainteaser #5: Three Primates

gorillaYou walk into a room with three primates: a chimpanzee, an orangutan, and a gorilla. The chimp is holding a banana in each hand, the orangutan is holding a large stick, and the gorilla is holding nothing. Which of these primates is the smartest?

Answer: You are.

Brainteaser #4: Balloon in a car

BalloonYou are in a car on a level road. The car is relatively airtight, and the windows are locked. There is a helium balloon in the car; only a small force would move it. You start the car and accelerate very fast. Does the balloon move with respect to the car? How could it?

Hint: Ask Mr. Vore!

Answer: The balloon does not move with respect to the car because an object at rest wants to stay at rest. However, if you held the balloon while you accelerated, then let the balloon go, it would move with respect to the car because an object in motion wants to stay in motion.

Brainteaser #3: The Knight and the Dragon


A Dragon and a Knight live on an abandoned island. The island has seven poisoned wells numbered 1 to 7. If you drink from one of the wells, the only antidote is to drink from a higher numbered well. The highest well, #7, is located at the top of a mountain, so only the dragon can get to it.

One day, the two decide to have a duel to the death. Each of them bring the other a glass of water, they exchange, and drink. Afterwards, the knight is alive and the dragon is dead. How did the knight win?

Answer: Before the duel, the knight drinks from well #1. Because of this, the water from the well given to him by the dragon cures him. Instead of giving the dragon water from the well, he gives the dragon normal water. Afterward, the dragon drinks from well #7 assuming it will cure him of whatever he has just been poisoned with, but instead poisons himself.

Brainteaser #2: Invention

cashThis week’s puzzler is a real challenge.  See if you can decipher this:

The man who invented it doesn’t want it. The man who needs it doesn’t know it. The man who bought it doesn’t need it.

What is it?

Answer: A coffin.

Brainteaser #1: One Fish Three Fish

fishOne day, two fathers and two sons go fishing. Each of them catches one fish. When they return home, they have three fish. How is this possible?

Answer: There was a grandfather, a father, and his son.