Thomas Jefferson

High School | Home of the Spartans

Open Mic Night

Posted 05/08/2010 by Feben Asfaw

The changing atmosphere of Open Mic Night encourages new members for next year.

Artwork by Anna Becker

Artwork by Anna Becker

“Open Mic night is a venue for people to share their talents or just general thoughts with their peers,” said Liz Hays, the student coordinator of Open Mic at TJ. Open Mic Night is a time for students and teachers to show off their special skills. At the last Open Mic Jeffrey Almond, an English teacher at TJ, sang a duet with Hays. This is something that is encouraged to occur at Open Mic. “I want people to know that it is a good, open, welcoming environment,” said Hays.

“Open Mic is a time when we invite creative people together to share their art, whether it be poetry, music, drama or any other verbal art,” said TJ Librarian Sudi Stodola, one of two of Open Night teacher coordinators, the other being Gabrelle Gerlits. “The great thing is that you don’t have to sign up for it. You can just show up and perform your art, ” added Stodola.

The atmosphere of Open Mic Night is a place for individuals to show off their talents, with no one there to judge or rate them. “I wanted people to feel like it wasn’t a competition. I know that it is hard enough to get up in front of people and perform anything, let alone something you wrote,” added Hays. With a comfortable atmosphere everyone can come enjoy the art and/or perform.

“I’m proud of the kids for keeping Open Mic Night going.  I was very impressed with the most recent event since it included poetry reading, music (both a capella and instrument–accompanied), and stand-up comedy,” said Jefferey Almond, an English teacher here at TJ and one of the performers at the last Open Mic.

“People usually come prepared with their own work, but some people also do the improv. This past Open Mic people even did some of the skits from the Shakespeare festival that is coming up soon, ” said Stodola.  With everyone welcome, even teachers show up once in a while. “One of the special treats that we got to see recently was Mr. Almond participate and  do a duet with Liz. They sang Sound of Silence by Simon and Garfunkel,” added Stodola.

“I think an emphasis on the variety of talents welcomed at Open Mic Night will help expand the audience and the participation,” added Almond.

“We all hope that Open Mic Night will continue next year, we just have to have the underclassmen also want to continue it, since this year’s seniors were the main participants” added Hays.

“We ended on a high note; I was impressed with the turnout. For next year we will hopefully continue the tradition. I also want to continue combing poetry with pizza as a means to keep the community atmosphere,” said Stodola.