Thomas Jefferson

High School | Home of the Spartans

Peacetime at TJ

Posted 10/23/2009 by Zach Salas

RENT Project and Palmieri reach out to TJ community and beyond.

Artwork by Rebecca Holt

Get your own TJHS Peace Bracelet in room 238 for only one dollar. Artwork by Rebecca Holt

Peace is an idea that most people can get behind, and Michael Palmieri and the RENT Project have turned that dream into a simple symbol for a better tomorrow. The new TJ Peace Bracelets are that symbol, and Palmieri dreams that these bracelets will serve as a small reminder to be kind, caring, and considerate of others.

“RENT is much more than a play,” explains Palmieri. “It’s a commitment. We’ve [Palmieri and several students] volunteered at Childrens hospital over the summer, we’ve prepared and served meals for the Denver Rescue Mission, we’ve participated in the AIDS walk in August, and we’re looking forward to working with HIVCareLink.” This group of students has been heavily involved in the RENT Project, and after getting a good look at the community, Palmieri decided it was about time they looked a little closer at themselves.

At a dollar each, these bright brown and gold bracelets are icons of acceptance and equality recognized throughout the school. It’s not a surprise, then, that many teachers and students have already taken to wearing them. However, the bracelets are not just a fund-raising event for RENT. As Palmieri describes in his characteristic fervent manner, “It’s not about the bracelets, it’s about remembering to promote equality and peace in the hallways. My hope is to see everyone wearing these bracelets, because I want them to be a symbol of peace.” These can be purchased from Palmieri himself in room 238, or from any of the RENT crew for a buck.

Peace Month and the PEACE TJ HS bracelets may not make TJ a love-and-hugs society overnight, but Palmieri believes that it is a step in the right direction. “As I look around TJ, I see a lot of people trying to do their best for a peaceful walk in their words and actions, but all of us have a long way to go.”