Thomas Jefferson

High School | Home of the Spartans

Pick, Paint, and Park!

Posted 09/08/2008 by Sam Stavish

TJ seniors carry on tradition.
by Sam Stavish
photo by Manny Perez

SeniorParkingSpots_Small.jpg    What’s the best part about being a senior? Is it the possibilities that lay ahead? Or is it the respect from your peers? Of course not! It’s all about your senior parking space!
    As the school year begins, so does the time-honored tradition of the TJ seniors claiming and painting their very own parking spaces. Ever since Thomas Jefferson has employed the use of a student parking lot, the seniors of the school have waited three long years to claim the spots closest to the school. Principal Sandra Just enjoys the tradition herself. “As long as all of the painting and art is appropriate, I think it is a great way for students to express themselves.”

    The process for seniors painting their parking spots starts much sooner than the first day of school. As soon as the seniors of the past have graduated, the future seniors move in and start claiming their own parking domains. Many kids will spray paint their name on the parking vicinity, hoping that others will respect their claim and find anther spot of their own. “I chose my space location because I wanted it to be unique,” senior Boris Tubic stated. “I wanted a spot that didn’t have anyone else around it, so then my friends could come hang out at my car.” This year, there was fierce competition for the best parking position. Some students complained that others had stolen their spots, and back and forth battles would arise over certain prime-locations.

    Then comes the most important part, painting the spot. Usually, as the tradition has it, the students come back to school a couple of weeks before the first day, armed with paint, and usually the help of their friends. Each student’s spot is his or her own personal canvas. The possibilities are endless. Friends who have picked their spots together have the option of making a joint parking spot, sometimes three or four spaces wide. Turner Wyatt, who shares a parking spot with his friends said, “It is really cool having people compliment you on your own space, especially after working so hard on it.”

    Some kids find inspiration in their favorite sport, while others take advantage of their favorite video game, like Robin Emerson with her Guitar Hero inspired design. Despite how the spot looks, seniors can feel honored to have a parking spot to call their very own. Senior Demi Sullivan says, “It makes me feel special, like I have left my mark at TJ, and everyone knows it. I am so proud of my school and the great traditions we have."