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Pink’s Greatest Hits… So Far!!!

Posted 01/20/2011 by Marina Miller

Fans of the singer/songwriter Pink, raise their glasses to her much anticipated album, Greatest Hits…So Far!!!

Artwork by Hanna Kazlouskaya

On November 16, 2010, musical artist Pink released her new album Greatest Hits…So Far!!! with some of her chart topping singles as well as two new hits.  This compilation CD includes singles released from the start of her solo career in 2000 to her latest single, released in 2010.  Pink was named #1 Pop Artist of the Decade in 2009 and is #13 on the list of Artists of the Decade, according to Billboard.

Since the album is called Greatest Hits, it’s hard to describe the songs as anything but great.  Even the new songs have quickly gained their spots on the Billboard chart with Raise Your Glass hitting #1 on Billboard’s top 100 list.  This upbeat tune is reflective of the artist’s fun, “go-getter” personality and lifestyle.

The older songs, though slightly overplayed by the radio stations, are just as good the second, third, or even the fourth time around.   Four songs from her most recent album, Fun House were included in the compilation, all of which were on multiple Billboard top 100 lists.  Pink is known for her songs that tell stories and often have a message about society. Dear Mr. President, one of her older songs included on the new album, tells about the life of former President George W. Bush and what she would ask if she could take a walk with him.

The original debut of the song Stupid Girls was April 2006 and explored the epidemic of eating disorders, gender discrimination and lack of female leaders.  The artist urges girls to show their true selves with lyrics like, “I’m so glad that I’ll never fit in, that will never be me. Outcasts and girls with ambition, that’s what I want to see.”

Pink is one of my favorite artists because of her controversial songs, girl power attitude, and heartfelt lyrics.  The second half of the title Greatest Hits… So Far!!! rings true; Pink is sure to have more great hits to come.