Thomas Jefferson

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Playstation 3 Is Space Bound

Posted 02/09/2011 by Anthony Jones

The Critically Acclaimed Xbox360 title Debuts on the PS3

Artwork By: Hayden Johnson

Critics of all types of media consider Mass Effect 2 as one of the most defining media experiences of this generation.

The Mass Effect series began on the Xbox 360 and the PC where it redefined gaming with its heavy emphasis on an epic story and deep character development.  Since its original release, the Mass Effect series has received over 30 perfect reviews from gaming websites, magazines, and editorial newspaper articles.  It has been a massive hit among gamers, but was unfortunately limited to Xbox 360 owners and, as a result, large amounts of people were left unable to experience the phenomenon. One year later, the series has finally made its PS3 debut and has brought what developers are calling the definitive Mass Effect experience to the platform.

Mass Effect takes aspects from some of the most well written Hollywood adventures and puts them into a video game.  The story follows Commander Shepherd and his crew on a mission to stop a mysterious evil alien race from wiping out humanity.  What might seem like a pretty linear gaming experience at first glance turns out to be an action filled dramatic space adventure, above the caliber of some Hollywood blockbusters.  This iteration is the second in the planned series but it is written in such a way that PS3 gamers won’t have to worry about being left out if the loop since they didn’t get to experience the first game.  Gamers will be satisfied with the introduction they get, which includes a digital comic that does a fantastic job of setting up the story for first time players.

What makes Mass Effect such a unique game is its dialogue and interactive decisions, and how they affect the story.  Some of the most compelling parts of the game are the important dialogue options of which the player is given control.  Once the player begins the game, the action, everything the player says, and the ending the player gets is completely in his/her hands. Never before has a video game succeeded in provoking emotions by having the player make realistic and dramatic choices that will permanently affect the game.  Unlike most games where the story ends in a predictable victory, Mass Effect lets gamers know right off the bat that nothing is certain and it all depends on the gamers’ choice.  There are even endings which result in a main character’s death. Because of tall the possible endings, this game demands multiple play-throughs and encourages the player to make different choices the next time around.

When Mass Effect 2 first came out a year ago for the 360, movie directors and writers were staggered at the progress video game producers have made, as it appeared games were finally making the push in mainstream media.  Hilary Goldstein, a critic from ign even went so far as to say games might become even more popular, even ahead of movies in the near future.  This game is headlining that push and has taken a critical step forward with its release on the PS3.  The PS3 version has been dubbed “the definitive Mass Effect 2” experience” by the developers, who are known for their well-polished video games.  The game runs on a new engine for the PS3 that makes the graphics even more dazzling than before, with enhanced lighting and frame rates.

Mass Effect 2 is already a must-own game and has won many game of the year awards, and now with its debut on the PS3 it just gives gamers more reason to buzz with excitement.  Look forward to hearing more good things about Mass Effect as it looks to close the series with a bang with its third title in November 2011.