Thomas Jefferson

High School | Home of the Spartans

Polar Fest: Canceled

Posted 12/02/2009 by Mia Nogueira

The sad tale about the dance that never was.


Artwork by Mia Nogueira

Once upon a time in a land not too far away, a group of students convened in a room and decided to create a new social dance to reward the students of their school for their great attendance and even better academic effort. The plans were made and the name of the dance was chosen: The Polar Fest.

It was an exciting time; the decorations were ordered, the DJ AKSHUN was hired, and a date was set: December 5, 2009 at 7:00 P.M. Posters were hung, announcements were made, e-mails were sent…but sadly, poor little Polar Fest never got the chance to be a fun dance.

Since only 23 tickets were sold, The Polar Fest has been canceled. “It’s humorous that we had more chaperones and security planned to attend than students,” said Student Council Advisor Derek Steffes. “I’m disappointed, but we learn; it would have been fun to have tried something new, a new dance, but apparently it was the wrong timing,” he added.

Procrastination is not the only factor to be blamed for the unfortunate result of the dance; there wasn’t a big showing of interest in the first place. “The administration is disappointed.  This was a good opportunity to recognize the students’ efforts this semester, both with attendance and their academics; but I guess there was a huge lack of interest,” said Assistant Principal Scott Lessard.

Many students wondered why the ticket sales didn’t go until Friday, and the procrastination lead to the cancellation of the dance. “Some students wanted to know if their friends were attending before they purchased tickets, but what students don’t realize is that the administration needs to know if the dance will happen or not early so we can pay the DJ and pay for security,” said Student Council Teacher Advisor JoAnne Moreno.

The administration and Student Council look forward to Eros in the spring of 2010, which will be a Valentine’s Day themed dance, and are considering having a Pep Rally for the spring sports season.

For the 23 students who did purchase tickets, they should visit Treasurer Derek Steffes in the main office to get a full refund of the ticket purchase as soon as possible.