Thomas Jefferson

High School | Home of the Spartans


Current School Year New Student Enrollment:

In person registration: 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m., Monday through Thursday.


Register online.

Documents you must bring with you to the school or upload for online registration:

  • Student Age Verification:  copy of the student’s birth certificate, passport, baptismal certificate or hospital record.
  • Current Address Verification:  copy of the current lease, proof of home ownership or utility bill (with the name of utility company and address which must be in school boundaries).
  • Transcript, attendance and behavior report.
  • Vaccination record.
  • IEP or 504 (if applicable).
  • Custody documents if the student does not live with both parents.

Additional items may be required after reviewing the items received.

Registration will not be completed until all required documentation is received.

Future School Year Student Enrollment:

SchoolChoice is for students who want to attend a new school or a school not in their enrollment area for the following school year.

Please note, a SchoolChoice application is not a registration and does not guarantee a seat at the requested school. Seat offers will be sent by email once the SchoolChoice application window closes.

Current DPS student annual online Registration:

At the beginning of each school year, current parents/guardians will provide and update student and family information on file, including emergency contacts, health information and more. Complete this process in the Parent Portal. 

Please contact our Registrar directly with any enrollment questions you may have:

Peg O’Keefe
