Thomas Jefferson

High School | Home of the Spartans

Rolling in the Awards

Posted 01/30/2011 by Katie Boyer

Honor roll ceremonies to congratulate students’ achievements.

Photo by Katie Boyer

In order to praise students for rigorous academic excellence, award ceremonies were held on Tuesday January 11th for Freshmen and Sophomores, and Wednesday January 12 for Juniors and Seniors with GPAs of 3.0 or higher. Principal Sandra Just said, “We’re very proud of the students’ achievements. Being on the honor roll shows commitment to education and students should be proud of themselves and continue to be leaders.”

Invitations were sent out to the households of honor roll students one week prior to the ceremonies so parents would have time to mark their calendars. Just said, “This award ceremony is not only to celebrate students’ great efforts, but also celebrate their families who support them.”

The underclassman ceremony on Tuesday January 11th congratulated Freshmen and Sophomores who started their high school experience on the right track. Freshman Jessica McCaffrey said, “It makes me feel good to be on the honor roll and I hope to continue getting good grades.”

Education proves to be important to Spartans, starting even in the earlier grades, with 78 Freshmen out of 351 total in the class, on honor roll. Freshman Elizabeth May comments, “I like the sense of accomplishment I get from being on the honor roll; I always try to do my best in school.”

Hard work pays off for students who go to class with all materials necessary and ready to learn. “Honor roll is something I take pride in. I always make sure to get to class on time and make the best out of my learning experience,” said one Sophomore, Sadye Hazan, one out of the 84 sophomores on the honor roll.

Underclassmen are not the only ones putting hard work into getting good grades, as shown by the 72 Juniors on the honor roll last semester. Junior Jasmine Koanui says,  “I’ve worked really hard on my schoolwork this year and try not to slack off. I want to make my parents proud and I think being on honor roll is something every parent wants for their kid.”

With the graduation date coming closer, many seniors put their minds in gear and strive to finish their high school experience on a positive note.  Seniors prove to be strong, admirable leaders with an outstanding 114 Seniors on honor roll out of the 351 total in the class of 2011. Senior Shelby Randall said, “Being on the honor roll is awesome. It’s a great way to show that keeping up with my work and persevering tough classes is rewarded.”

Proud families were not the only ones cheering students on, as joyous faculty applauded as well. Assistant Principal Mike Christoff says, “Honor roll shows that students value their education and dedicate themselves to a bright future. All Spartans should strive to be on the honor roll and I hope to see more students on it next time.”