Thomas Jefferson

High School | Home of the Spartans

Seniors Live the Life at Prom 2013

Posted 05/07/2013 by Matthew Fabian

On May 3rd, Senior Prom took place at the Wellshire Inn as the Thomas Jefferson Senior Class’ last “huuzah” went greatly into the night.

Photo courtesy TJ Photo Club.

Neben Dacuba and  Jacqueline Waring are crowned 2013 Spartan Prom King and Queen.  Photo courtesy TJ Photo Club.

As soon as the doors opened at 8 p.m., the Seniors and their dates were treated to an experience that would help enhance an already immaculate night. The Wellshire offered not only an expert drink station and an amalgamation of cookies and assorted sweets, but there was also a caricature artist who added a jocular aspect to each couple’s night. “It was a great time; the Wellshire was a beautiful local, and (Kyler) Jackson was a great DJ as always,” said Senior Jeremy Albright. Prom – as opposed to some other Thomas Jefferson dances – was swelled with people from open doors to last dance, as the Seniors not only lived for the present, but looked back over the past four years as their time together in high school comes to a quick close.

In the tradition of the dance, the Prom Royalty was revealed near the end of the night. After the Court was announced, Neben Dacuba was crowned King and Jacqueline Waring was named as Queen. Later that night Dacuba wrote on a social media site, “Wow! Prom 2013 was amazing! It’s been a great privilege to be your Prom King of 2013! Thank you very much of your votes and support everyone! I really appreciate it!” Not much longer after the announcement of the King and Queen, Last Dance was called and Prom 2013 came to its eventual end.

Student Cody McNeil dances at Prom along with his fellow students. Photo provided by Photo Club

Student Cody McNeil dances at Prom along with his fellow students. Photo provided by Photo Club

After-Prom was held at Thomas Jefferson High School and Seniors had an array of activities to choose from, including: inflatable Twister, an inflatable obstacle course, and volleyball. A two movies, Pitch Perfect and Gangster Squad , were shown in the auditorium and the pool was open for a short time as well. Arts and Crafts tables along with Poker tables were set up in the lobby. Another event set up at the school was a booth called “Dancing Heads”. Attendees would be clothed for a green screen and have a camera shot of their head super imposed onto a video of dancing bodies. It provided great entertainment for the “actors” and all who watched. At the end of the event, there was a raffle in which prizes like TVs, iPad minis, and gift cards were raffled off to the crowd. Two iPad minis were awarded to winners Braelah McGinnis and Colin Suzuki. Twenty, 19-inch screen TVs were given out as part of the raffle and eight $100 checks, as well.  All winners from the raffle won a $5 gift card and a pair of headphones. Anyone whose number was not drawn won $40 worth of an assortment of gift cards from Smashburger, Chick-Fil-A, and Chipotle.

Seniors now wait anxiously for check-out and graduation, but Prom fit as a proper send-off for the Class of 2013.