Thomas Jefferson

High School | Home of the Spartans

Spartan Spotlight: Avery Becker

Posted 12/11/2012 by Sadye Hazan

My Favorite…

Photo by Tori Wallace

Color: Yellow
TV Show: Family Guy
Musician: Carrie Underwood
Memory @TJ: Working out with Patrick
Subject: Study Hall
Teacher: Butera
What activities do you do @TJ? Interact, Robotics
If you could live through any time period, which would it be? The future because there will be better technology.
If you could be any character in a movie, who would you be? Darth Vader from Star Wars because he can fly and he has the force.
Two Random Facts:
1. I like to ride my moped.
2. I’m going to do track.
Life Philosophy: Trust the Lord with all your heart.