Thomas Jefferson

High School | Home of the Spartans

Spartan Spotlight: Gaby Ortega

Posted 02/24/2013 by Sadye Hazan
Photo by Sadye Hazan

Photo by Sadye Hazan

My Favorite…
Color: Red
TV Show: Catfish: The TV Show
Band: Maroon 5
Memory @TJ? Jamaican Jam my freshman year because it was one of the few things I did with my senior.
Subject: Spanish
Teacher: Jackson
What activities do you do @TJ? Soccer, Softball, and Debate
If you could live through any time period, which would it be? The 20’s because I really liked the way they dressed.
If you could be any character in a book/movie, who would you be? Katniss Everdeen from The Hunger Games because she is super awesome.
Two Random Facts:
1. I’ve played soccer since I was five.
2. I broke my finger playing softball this past year.
Life Philosophy: Quitters never win and winners never quit.