Thomas Jefferson

High School | Home of the Spartans

Spartan Spotlight: Kellsie Forfar-Jones

Posted 11/30/2012 by Sadye Hazan

Photo by Sadye Hazan

My Favorite…
Color: Purple
TV Show: Saved By The Bell
Singer: Ella Fitzgerald
Memory @TJ: The first time I was on stage during A Midsummers’ Night Dream because it had been a long time since I was on stage and it was a big production, so I was pretty excited.
Subject: History
Teacher:  Adair and Palmeri
What activities do you do @TJ?  Theatre
If you could live through any time period, which would it be? The 20’s, because I liked the music and style.
If you could be any character in a book, who would you be? Patrick from Perks Of Being A Wallflower because he is a really cool person and really funny.
Two Random Facts:
1. My favorite animal is the elephant
2. I like theatre
Life Philosophy: Life is like cool water cascading down a hot summer sidewalk.