Thomas Jefferson

High School | Home of the Spartans

Spartan Spotlight: Lauren Kelsch

Posted 02/10/2009 by Asia Dorsey

welshMy Favorite…
: Turquoise
TV Show:
Jon and Kate Plus 8
Memory @ TJ:
Being crowned Eros Duchess
Radio & TV Broadcasting
Spamp and Laman
What activities do you do at TJ:
DECA, Softball, Swimming, and Soccer
If you could be any character in a book who would you be:
Junie B Jones!
If you could live during any time period, which would it be:
“The 80’s because they had super cool hair!”
Two random facts about me:

1.) “I was in a show on ESPN for softball.”
2.) “I flunked horse camp… but they always gave me a participation letter!”
Favorite Quote:

“Why stand when you can sit? Why sit when you can lay down? Why lay down when you can sleep?”
-Dave Roever, Vietnam Veteran