Thomas Jefferson

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Steps for Successful Skin!

Posted 03/22/2011 by Jacki Ruzycki

Debbie Horton, a Spartan parent who has been studying dermatology for eleven years, gives TJ Spartans five top ways to keep their skin looking great.

Photo by Ed Gloor

We have all experienced this awful, and embarrassing thing at least once in our high school careers: acne. “Many think it’s from the way they eat,” said Skin Care Expert Debbie Horton. “But there have been studies that show acne and food are not connected.”  There are many different ways to keep on top of one’s skin, and here are the top five ways to avoid unwanted blemishes.

1. Staying well hydrated: Keeping up with ones water intake is great for the body. By drinking a lot of water the body gets rid of the toxins that can create acne.

2. Cleaning your skin correctly: One of the main factors for teens and their acne is that their faces aren’t being washed properly. Everyone should wash their face at least once everyday; for those with bad acne, twice per day. However, here is where everyone goes wrong, says Horton. Everyone has a different skin type so one has to find the perfect cleanser that works for him or her. “For acne-prone skin I would recommend an antibacterial soap like Clearasil,” said Horton. “For dry skin I would recommend that you use a moisturizing cleanser like Cetaphil. “ All of these products mentioned can be found in any grocery store and can range from only four dollars to 20 dollars. Also, one shouldn’t wash his or her face too often because it can cause ones face to dry out, which creates more oil, making more acne. It’s like a vicious cycle!

3. Moisturize Your Skin: Horton says that especially in our dry Colorado climate one must find a moisturizing lotion that both moisturizes and contains SPF of at least 15. At our elevation, we are closer to the sun, which may cause greater skin damage. One must also keep his/her skin moisturized because it will help avoid more oil production. A good product to use that can be found at any store to protect ones face is Neutrogena.

“It is very important to follow through with step three because everyday, whether the sun is out or not, our skin suffers from sun damage,” said Horton. “Wearing an SPF can help minimize this damage and put you at less of a risk for getting skin cancer later in life.” Basal cell, Squamous cell, and Melanoma are all names of skin cancers that may appear later in life if one doesn’t use sunscreen. Basal cell and Squamous cell can be found on the face, as well as on other parts of the body, from over exposure to the sun. Melanoma cancer is also found on the face, and when one uses a tanning bed his/her chances for getting this cancer goes dramatically up.  The safest artificial tan is a spray tan, Spartans!

4.Get a Chemical Peel: For those Spartans who are struggling with acne, a great way to help stop it is by getting a chemical peel, which is a treatment that deals with a chemical solution and is applied to the face, hands and or neck. It helps to dry out one’s skin and cause the acne to “fall off.” This procedure helps get rid of scaring on the face or body from acne and replace old skin with new, regenerated skin.

5. Contact a Doctor: A great way for teens to help control their acne is by seeing a dermatologist. “Dermatologists have great medication to help your skin,” said Horton. One must be 18 years of age to see a Dermatologist by him/herself and anyone under 18 must be accompanied with his or her guardian. A great way to find a dermatologist who is best for ones needs is by asking a doctor to refer them to who they think is best. Also ask friends and family if they see anyone, and if so who.

“Many think that acne is just something that they have to deal with,” said Horton. “However, acne is a actual medical condition that they can get help for. No one has to deal with this alone!”